National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 585] New from NCSALL

Kaye Beall kabeall at
Wed Jan 17 16:21:33 EST 2007

Hi all,

This new publication does have assessment tools in it, though from the
perspective of getting around in healthcare facilities, not the typical
basic literacy context of which we most frequently think about. I hope that
you find it useful.

<> The Health Literacy Environment of
Hospitals and Health Centers: Partners for Action: Making Your Healthcare
Facility Literacy-Friendly
by Rima E. Rudd and Jennie E. Anderson
The guide and the review tools found within it offer an approach for
analyzing literacy-related barriers to healthcare access and navigation. The
findings of such a review could spark discussions and help shape strategies
to eliminate literacy barriers and enhance health literacy.

For more information and to download the guide, go to:


Kaye Beall

World Education

4401 S. Madison St.

Muncie, IN 47302

Tel: 765-717-3942

Fax: 617-482-0617

kaye_beall at

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