National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2697] Re: FW: CAAL/Commission Report on Inflation... (cross post from AAACE-NLA)

Steve Kaufmann steve at
Sun Dec 14 20:52:21 EST 2008

I am curious to know why it is assumed that it should cost $1,000 per year
per learner to provide adult literacy training. Not all learners learn the
same way, and not all are motivated.

In my experience, not all learners who attend ESL classes are motivated
enough to improve and consequently they do not improve very much, even with
the help of a teacher. Many others learn well without teachers, and could
benefit from some form of effective e-learning or self-study program, with a
more limited involvement of teachers, more as coaches than instructors.

Why not look at ways of expanding the reach and reducing the average cost?

Steve Kaufmann

n Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Jackie A. Taylor <jackie at>wrote:

> Hello PD List Colleagues,


> I thought this newest release from CAAL would be of interest to you.




> Please see below…Jackie Taylor



> ------------------------------


> *From:* Gail Spangenberg [mailto:gspangenberg at]

> *Sent:* Thursday, December 11, 2008 11:10 AM

> *To:* National Literacy Advocacy List sponsored by AAACE;

> library-lit at; technology at; The Workplace Literacy

> Discussion List

> *Subject:* [AAACE-NLA] CAAL/Commission Report on Inflation...






> The National Commission on Adult Literacy, in *Reach Higher, America*,

> calls for an expenditure (in 2008 dollars), for the new adult education and

> workforce skills system it recommends, of $20 billion in public funding. It

> also calls for an unspecified amount in private sector funding, creation of

> a new national trust to help support development of this system which would

> be supported by both public and private funds, and use of technology on an

> unprecedented scale to help achieve increased enrollments and bring down

> per-student program costs.




> The Center for Labor Management Studies at Northeastern recently calculated

> the affects of inflation by 2020 on the $20 billion figure and for private

> sector funding. The results are presented in a short paper prepared for CAAL

> as part of its follow-up work on behalf of the Commission. The paper is

> posted for interested parties at the CAAL website, page, item NC-CAAL3), along with other recent analyses for

> CAAL/the Commission.










> Gail Spangenberg


> President


> Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy


> 1221 Avenue of the Americas - 46th Fl


> New York, NY 10020


> 212-512-2362, F: 212-512-2610










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