National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2621] Free Online Courses and Grant Opportunity in Program Improvement

Jackie A. Taylor jackie at
Wed Oct 22 11:36:03 EDT 2008

PD Colleagues:

Two things:

1. New, Free Online Courses!

I'm passing along information on two new, free online courses from
Dollar General and ProLiteracy on Data Collection and Management and
Data Analysis for Program Decision-Making. Part 3 is to be available
Fall 2009.

2. National Program Improvement Grant Opportunity

Below the course information is an opportunity to participate in Year 3
of the Dollar General/ProLiteracy Performance Accountability Initiative
- a PD opportunity I'm told that you won't want to miss.

Please see below! Best...Jackie Taylor

1. New, Free Online Courses!


From: info at [mailto:info at]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:48 AM
To: Jackie A. Taylor
Subject: Demonstrating your program's effectiveness is important to your
program's success!

Demonstrating your program's effectiveness is important to your
program's success!

And free, online self-paced courses are available to help you. Go to

With support from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, ProLiteracy
brings field-tested program accountability strategies to administrators
and staff of literacy and adult basic education programs

Data Collection and Management

Part One of the three-part online series centers on collecting and
managing credible, high-quality student data. Course length: 3-4 hours

This course will help you:

* Build a common language and an approach to accountability
* Organize data collection and management efforts around key
decision points and staff roles
* Increase confidence in your program's data collection and
management practices

Data Analysis for Program Decision-Making

Part Two helps administrators and staff learn how to institutionalize
data-driven decision-making practices to create a culture of continuous
program improvement. Course length: 3-4 hours

In this course you will:

* Review and practice data analysis skills
* Improve decision-making using a team approach to data analysis
and review
* Streamline program improvement using practical planning tools
and strategies

Coming Fall 2009: Communicating Success to Stakeholders, Part Three in
the series.

2. National Program Improvement Grant Opportunity


From: info at [mailto:info at]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:47 AM
To: Jackie A. Taylor
Subject: National Program Improvement Grant OpportunityComing in
November 2008!

Learn effective and innovative ways to tell your community and your
funders about your program's effectiveness with the help of ProLiteracy
and your peers!

Apply to join Year Three of the Dollar General/ProLiteracy Performance
Accountability (DGPA) Initiative

As a one-year participating program, your program gets:

* Ideas tested by your literacy peers
* A stipend to help offset travel and reporting requirements
* Two places at one of six regional trainings, "Communicating
Success to Stakeholders," scheduled for February and March 2009
* Access to practical resources and support through the DGPA wiki
and online discussion list
* The opportunity to test and evaluate new strategies

Watch your e-mail for info on how to get involved! Applications
available November 2008

For more information e-mail Marie Cora, DGPA Project Manager at
mcora at

This project is made possible through the generous support of the Dollar
General Literacy Foundation

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