National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2435] New ESOL video in Media Library of Teaching Skills

djrosen1 djrosen1 at
Mon Aug 4 18:02:34 EDT 2008

Professional Development Colleagues,

The Media Library of Teaching Skills ( or just
type "mlots" in your browser) now has eight, original adult literacy
education classroom videos, and links to 25 adult literacy education
videos on other web sites. The MLoTS videos include ESOL/ESL,
reading, writing, numeracy/mathematics, and adult secondary
education. The latest addition is an ESOL class in a neighborhood in
Boston, Massachusetts. The lesson focuses on food vocabulary and verb
tenses. All the videos are free and stream online. The MLoTS videos
are based on state curriculum standards or frameworks or on other
best practices. They are intended for teacher professional
development. They can be used as part of face-to-face or online
courses, workshops, or study circles, and can also be accessed by
individual teachers who on their own want a "window" to look in on
other teaching colleagues' classrooms and teaching practices.

If you look at or use these videos we would like to hear what you
think. If you are interested in making classroom videos in your
state, please let us hear from you.

David J. Rosen
Media Library of Teaching Skills
djrosen at

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