National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2289] From critical thinking to student involvement

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Mon Jul 14 14:37:47 EDT 2008

Hello again, All,

Now that we've explored what we mean by critical thinking, how does that
fit in with student involvement?

Here is what I have for a beginning definition of student involvement

I look forward to hearing from you. And let's also hear from those who
have not yet contributed but would like to do so.

- Thoughts, ideas? How do you 'involve' your students?

Thanks, Jackie

Jackie Taylor, List Moderator, jataylor at

What Is Student Involvement?

* Student involvement is when learners become involved in the
classroom or program in ways that help them meet their goals. Student
involvement includes a range of possibilities, including:

* actively participating in classroom activities
* becoming involved in a class project
* taking a position (volunteer or paid) within the program

* becoming involved in the community

* Students have a voice in class and program decisions that matter
to them.

* Students create the vision for involvement, for the project or
position, such that their involvement equals the interest they have in
what is at stake.

* Student involvement is a learner-teacher partnership,
renegotiating the power dynamics inherent in traditional learner-teacher
roles. Student involvement fills the gap that seems to exist between
students and teachers because of this traditional power differential.

* Learners have greater responsibility by being involved, and it
offers their classroom peers student leadership models.

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