National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2259] Re: Whatdo wemeanbystudentinvolvement and critical thinking?

Alpha Computer Training and COnsulting alphact at
Fri Jul 11 11:52:33 EDT 2008

Hi Cynthia and Philip,

Good thought provoking messages. Your comments made me think of my wife.
She had a dizziness problem for years that she could not seem to get fixed.
But what she did was amazing, since I think it relates to this discussion.
She became a master at avoiding movements that brought about her dizziness.
She unknowingly used critical thinking to avoid her problem. This makes me
wonder how others unknowingly use critical thinking to avoid issues in their
lives. This could involve reading, writing and other skills necessary to
perform tasks. People can unknowingly, through the own critical thinking,
get around with their skill set and function in society. These people have
get critical thinking skills, that have enabled them to be successful in
areas where we could not imagine. People need to give themselves more
credit for what they can do than what they can not do! It makes me wonder
how these skills came about.

Jeff Brown
Alpha Computer Training and Consulting
E-mail: info at

-----Original Message-----
From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Cynthia
Sent: July-11-08 11:18 AM
To: professionaldevelopment at
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2258] Re: Whatdo
wemeanbystudentinvolvement and critical thinking?

Philip -- I think what you're raising is important. Can you share any
strategies you've used to help students feel comfortable expressing what
they know about the world?

Also, do you have any thoughts on how to do PD in a way that develops
*teachers'* critical thinking skills. I do believe it's a skill for all
of us to be honing all the time.


>>> "Anderson, Philip" <Philip.Anderson at> 07/10/08 5:09 PM >>>

Good points, Andy. I appreciate your response. I think I should have
said that their critical thinking skills lead them to hide what they
know about the world - it is a strategy that has kept them safe in
situations that they felt may pose danger.

What I think we might need to include in PD is the fact that adult ELLs,
no matter their level, often have good critical thinking skills. Some
teachers may at times perceive the low level adult ELL students as
persons who are underdeveloped in their critical thinking skills, and
not, as you said, the same as they are, people who do have critical
thinking skills even though they may apply them inconsistently, and who
could perhaps benefit from thinking in new and varied ways.

Philip Anderson
Adult ESOL Program
Florida Department of Education
Tel (850) 245-9450

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-----Original Message-----
From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Andy Nash
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 4:16 PM
To: professionaldevelopment at
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2253] Re: Whatdo
wemeanbystudentinvolvement and critical thinking?

Hmm, I see it more as a matter of being inconsistent in where and how we
use those critical thinking skills. I consider myself a pretty critical
thinker, but there are many times I'll hear someone else questioning
something that I bought hook, line, and sinker - I didn't think at all
critically about it. I believe that adult students are the same, which
is why it's useful to invite critical thinking in new and varied areas.
Andy Nash

>>> "Anderson, Philip" <Philip.Anderson at> 07/10/08 3:46 PM >>>

What I am getting at here is that it may be important to recognize that
adult ELLs brim with critical thinking skills, but they also have
developed a (survival?) technique for hiding these skills from those
they perceive to be in authority and have more "school knowledge" than
they have. Our professional development system may need to be sure to
prepare teachers for working successfully with these students.

Philip Anderson
Adult ESOL Program
Florida Department of Education
Tel (850) 245-9450

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