National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2253] Re: What do wemeanbystudentinvolvement and critical thinking?

Andy Nash andy_nash at
Thu Jul 10 16:15:49 EDT 2008

Hmm, I see it more as a matter of being inconsistent in where and how we
use those critical thinking skills. I consider myself a pretty critical
thinker, but there are many times I'll hear someone else questioning
something that I bought hook, line, and sinker - I didn't think at all
critically about it. I believe that adult students are the same, which
is why it's useful to invite critical thinking in new and varied areas.
Andy Nash

>>> "Anderson, Philip" <Philip.Anderson at> 07/10/08 3:46 PM >>>

What I am getting at here is that it may be important to recognize that
adult ELLs brim with critical thinking skills, but they also have
developed a (survival?) technique for hiding these skills from those
they perceive to be in authority and have more "school knowledge" than
they have. Our professional development system may need to be sure to
prepare teachers for working successfully with these students.

Philip Anderson
Adult ESOL Program
Florida Department of Education
Tel (850) 245-9450

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