National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2134] New courses on Student Assessment - JUNE 2!

Jane Greiner jgreiner at
Wed May 14 18:11:20 EDT 2008

Hello fellow PD'ers,

I want to let you know about two new online courses that are being offered through, a new PD portal from ProLiteracy and World Education. Our organizations have been working together to develop a series of four online courses for teachers that focuses on student assessment as part of effective adult education.

Two of these courses open in June - coming up very soon! - and two follow-up courses will be offered next year. The current courses are:

* Fundamentals of Assessment (June 2 - June 16)
Your guide to basic concepts in student assessment - learn how to use standardized assessments effectively and develop better in-class assessments.

* Assessments Developed by Teachers and Students (June 16 - July 17)
Expand your assessment toolkit! Learn about tools to check day-to-day student progress, dynamic forms of assessment, and how to involve your students in assessment design.

These courses combine top-quality content on student assessment in adult education and literacy with a very user-friendly online format. In these facilitated courses teachers will explore assessment concepts and strategies in-depth through online activities, readings, and discussion boards, all with an expert facilitator and adult education colleagues across the country.

Access full course descriptions and registration information at, under the heading Student Assessment. Participation is limited, so please register early! Questions? Call 315-422-9121 ext. 283, or e-mail prodev at

ProLiteracy members receive a 15% discount on all professional development courses! For more information, visit

Thanks to all, and please pass this information along to anyone who might be interested.
All the best,

Jane Greiner
Professional Development Coordinator
1320 Jamesville Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13210
315-422-9121 ext. 283
315-422-6369 fax
jgreiner at

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