National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2123] Re: Looking for help and suggestions...

jhalaesl at jhalaesl at
Tue May 6 22:19:41 EDT 2008

LOTS of suggestions.
If you can wait a few days for the contact, I'd be happy to chat with you on the phone the week of May 12th.

Joanne Hala
(908) 872 9573

-----Original Message-----
From: Judith Sinclair <j-p-sinclair at>
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List <professionaldevelopment at>
Sent: Tue, 6 May 2008 2:42 pm
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2120] Looking for help and suggestions...

Hello, all,?

In considering a new project: working short-term ( once or twice a week for?

1 hour for 6 weeks) with a group of 10-15 maintenance-level employees who?

are largely Hispanic, and who have between no and very modest levels of?

American English skills, are there any web sources that would be helpful and?

that you might recommend.?

The overarching goal of the project would be to provide primarily work and?

also life "survival" language that will enable the participants to address?

their work environment literacy requirements (conversation with tenants,?

writing out work orders, reading basic information about their jobs, etc.)?

I am almost overwhelmed by all of the resources available, and wonder if?

someone can point me to something that is comprehensive, but fairly simple?

in its orientation, with clear, simple, resources.?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.?

All best,?

Judith Peyton Sinclair, PhD?

National Institute for Literacy
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