National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2063] Re: Adult Reading COABEPre-conferencesession

Wendi Maxwell WMaxwell at
Tue Apr 8 13:26:37 EDT 2008

California published four research digests on evidence based reading
instruction. They are designed specifically to provide an overview for
adult education teachers. You can download the digests at the URL

Wendi Maxwell
Education Programs Consultant
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 4503

>>> Susan McShane <smcshane at> 4/8/2008 10:03 AM >>>

You can get the book upon which my training is based: *Applying
Research in Reading Instruction for Adults: First Steps for Teachers*
(McShane, 2005) by calling Ed Pubs at 1-800-228-8813, or emailing
edpubs at

The National Institute for Literacy has lots of other resources online
at (and available from Ed Pubs). You and others may
already be aware of these, but just in case some readers are not, I do
want to suggest the following:

o What is Scientifically Based Research?(Fall 2005)
o Report of the National Reading Panel:Teaching Children to Read
o Research-Based Principles forAdult Basic Education Reading
Instruction(Fall 2002)
o Teaching Adults to Read(Fall 2005) (This is a shorter version of
the Researched-Based Principles book)

Just click on publications on the site, ( )

Also check out the NCSALL web site for information about the Adult
Reading Components Study (ARCS). Check research briefs under
publications at
for the ARCS research brief (Strucker & Davidson). Another interesting
article you*ll find there is *The Relationship of the Components of
Reading to Performance on the International Adult Literacy Survey
(Strucker, Yamamoto, & Kirsch).

For more information on he ARCS and some free assessments, check out
the Institute*s *Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles* site:

I hope this is helpful. Get in touch with me at smcshane at if
you want to talk about any of this. We*ve done a couple of projects
involving diagnostic reading assessment and would be happy to share our

From:professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of
McLaughlin, Deborah
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 11:59 AM
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2054] Re: Adult Reading

For those of us who aren't going to St. Louis, is there any chance you
can post links & resources regarding the reading research? I'm very
interested in this, and am right in the middle of a planning process to
develop a reading assessment system that all of our faculty will use. We
want the system to be well-grounded in research.

Debbie McLaughlin
Director of Basic & Transitional Studies
SeattleCentral Community College

From:professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Susan
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 8:36 AM
To: professionaldevelopment at; The Family Literacy Discussion
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2053] Adult Reading COABE

If you*re interested in adult literacy, you may want to attend the
pre-conference session I*ll be presenting at the COABE conference in St.
Louis on Monday, April 28th. It*s titled, Adult Reading Instruction:
Research-Based Strategies for Meeting Varied Needs.
Have you ever wondered why some adult learners struggle with their
class work--why they *give up* quickly or make little progress over
time? This session offers a brief overview of the research, focusing on
common reading problems. Research suggests that one source of
difficulty may be a deficit that isn*t reflected in a TABE or CASAS test
score. This training introduces the components of reading that may
contribute to a reading probl
em: alphabetic skills, fluency, vocabulary,
and comprehension. It also introduces common reader profiles identified
by research and suggests resources for initial diagnostic assessment.
Finally, participants learn and practice a selection of research-based
instructional strategies for addressing adults* needs in the
reading-component areas.
This full-day training is sponsored by the National Center for Family
To learn more about the conference, check out the web page at
To register you can go directly
I*m looking forward to a stimulating, interactive session. Please come,
so we can all learn more about addressing this important need!

See you in St. Louis,


Susan McShane
NationalCenterfor Family Literacy
502-584-1133, Ext. 175

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