National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1991] WE LEARN Conference/ Teaching With Socially Relevant Content

ejonline at ejonline at
Mon Feb 25 20:58:28 EST 2008

Some of you may already know this from other lists, but as part of the WE LEARN conference, we have set up a special section of the Adult Literacy Education wiki ( The idea is to have some questions and ideas generated on the web prior to the conference, so that even those who cannot attend may still participate in some way. We also plan to have wiki updates throughout the conference itself, and post information and ideas after the conference is over. It is really an experiment in professional development.

The main page for the conference is

We have pages for each session. A sample of this is at

This workshop will be an opportunity to explore teaching with socially relevant content, to see some lessons modeled, and to consider strategies for developing integrated lessons from a wide array of timely source materials. Participants will receive two recent issues of The Change Agent.

The session page linked above has room for comments. If you don't want to log in to post on the wiki, you can send me questions about the session topic and I will add them myself (since I think I may end up updating this page during the WE LEARN conference as a participant).


Erik Jacobson

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