National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1948] Re: Volunteer tutors

Jodi Crandall crandall at
Mon Feb 11 20:07:40 EST 2008


This is a pretty dramatic demonstration of commitment to students.

I would be interested in a general overview of the Practicum, how
long it was held, the major topics, where you held it, etc.

Jodi Crandall
On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:47 PM, jhalaesl at wrote:

> We had an interesting experience with this a few years ago. NJ

> Reads awarded us a grant for our volunteer efforts. The funds were

> to cover Adult Ed conference fees, materials and equipment needed

> by volunteer tutors, incidentals needed by students, the cost of

> tuition in our home-grown Practicum in Adult ESL/ESOL Instruction.


> Most of the volunteers attended at least one Adult Ed conference

> and about half participated in our Practicum--all charged to the

> grant. There were purchases of : a modestly priced computer

> printer, several Oxford Picture Dictionaries, and one pre-paid

> phone for a single-mom student who could only attend tutoring

> sessions if her daughter (11) could stay in contact (no home phone).


> The remaining expenses related to volunteer tutoring and

> professional development were never submitted for reimbursement.


> When surveyed, the volunteers stated that they wanted the monies to

> go directly to program costs not toward the cost of their own

> education.


> And there was a strong sense that the program's willingness to

> support the volunteer efforts financially enhanced these

> philanthropic sentiments.




> Joanne


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Jodi Crandall <crandall at>

> To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List

> <professionaldevelopment at>

> Sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 7:03 pm

> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1923] Re: Volunteer tutors


> Joanne, Jenny, Len, and Ceci,


> I agree with you that there are well-trained volunteers and

> teachers and also both volunteers and teachers who are untrained.

> With the long waiting lists to get into many of our adult ESL/ESOL

> programs and the scarcity of funds, volunteers play a very

> important role. Our apologies if you feel that this has not been

> recognized.


> I should add that I was the pro-bono (without fee) ESL consultant

> to Literacy Volunteers of America for 5 years (before they joined

> with Laubach to become Pro-Literacy) and know how hard the

> organization works to provide training.


> That said, professional development is important. As I mentioned

> previously, most adult ESL practitioners learn much of what they

> know and are able to do on the job, but they need professional

> development while they are doing it. Actually, I think that's true

> of a lot of teachers -- of all levels. But providing those

> professional development opportunities and encouraging people to

> participate in them is key. There has long been a discussion in

> the field about the need to pay part-time instructors for the time

> that they spend in professional development. I wonder what kinds

> of incentives might be provided for volunteers. What are your

> thoughts on this?


> Jodi


> On Feb 8, 2008, at 4:05 PM, jhalaesl at wrote:


>> Recruiting, training, organizing, and supporting volunteers is one

>> of my many job responsibilities.

>> In response to the most recent few posts to this discussion(Jenny,

>> Len and Ceci)...

>> I am know to say "There are volunteers, and there are volunteers."

>> As there are teachers and teachers, etc.

>> Easy to prove and disprove the stereotypes.


>> The "human factor"


>> Joanne Hala

>> Literacy Services

>> Jointure for Community Adult Education, Inc.



>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: Jennifer Gore <jgore at>

>> To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List

>> <professionaldevelopment at>

>> Sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 1:46 pm

>> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1921] Re: Volunteer tutors


>> I believe I have been patient in watching the direction of this

>> discussion which I believe to be ill-informed. When you categorize

>> volunteer tutors in one lump, you leap into a stereotype that

>> lacks the full range reflected in reality. The same with community-

>> based literacy programs, their tutor training, their tutor support

>> and monitoring. Not only does it descend into stereotype, it

>> implies that 1000's of people across this country don't have the

>> intelligence to realize whether or not they are creating and

>> persisting in a workable system. I don't think anyone is

>> intentionally trying to be insulting. But, I do think caution

>> should be taken when addressing a national audience from a very

>> narrow perspective.


>> Jenny Gore


>> Jennifer B. Gore

>> Executive Director

>> Reading Connections, Inc.

>> 122 N. Elm Street, STE 520

>> Greensboro, NC 27401




>> ----- Original Message -----

>> From: Lendoak at

>> To: professionaldevelopment at

>> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 1:18 PM

>> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1919] Re: Volunteer tutors


>> We wonder you are painting with too broad a brush in labeling

>> volunteer tutors as "well meaning but incompetent", "not

>> productive", etc. Would you consider hard data on their

>> productivity?


>> Literacy Volunteers of America, LVA, (now a part of Pro-Literacy

>> International) required that all volunteer tutors take 20 hours of

>> training before tutoring a student, and to take follow up in-

>> service training. (LVA had well over 50,000 volunteer tutors.)

>> Further, tutors are required to periodically measure and report on

>> student progress. The data on tens of thousands of students: On

>> average, students progressed two grade levels per year in their

>> reading and writing skills. In addition, students reported huge

>> improvements in feelings of self-worth and empowerment. Would you

>> want to call all that "not productive?"


>> Len and Ceci Doak

>> (former vol. tutors of reading and ESL)


>> In a message dated 2/8/2008 9:30:42 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

>> robinschwarz1 at writes:

>> Jodi-- It is laudable, of course, that you are attempting to find

>> this out. I am sure you will learn about some very progressive

>> approaches to this thorny problem and be able to make some

>> recommendations to others with evidence to show that things CAN be

>> done differently.


>> I believe that just because people are volunteers does not mean

>> that they should be permitted-- expected even- to be incompetent

>> at what they are volunteering for at the expense of the learners

>> who need the services so badly. Tutor attrition is just as bad

>> as learner attrition in some areas. One way, as I suggested in my

>> previous post, to address that issue is to help tutors be more

>> competent so that they are really able to address their student's

>> needs well. Their success will be as important to their

>> persistence as success is to learners' persistence. I believe

>> that was one of the findings in the NCSALL Persistence study, done

>> with volunteer literacy programs.


>> Robin



>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: Jodi Crandall <crandall at>

>> To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List

>> <professionaldevelopment at>

>> Sent: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 7:16 pm

>> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1915] Re: Requesting Resource

>> Information


>> Robin,


>> I agree that we need to have higher entry requirements for adult

>> ESOL teachers and tutors. If I didn't, I wouldn't have undertake

>> that huge project to try to find out what the states now require

>> and what they are planning. I would love to see tutors

>> participating in a structured training program of sufficient

>> duration to provide the foundation that you mention. I just don't

>> know how much we can expect when they are volunteers.


>> I would love to hear from various volunteer program administrators

>> about the kinds of pre-service and in-service training they

>> provide and what kind of incentives (if necessary) to get

>> volunteers to participate.


>> Jodi

>> On Feb 7, 2008, at 7:22 PM, robinschwarz1 at wrote:


>>> Jodi-- Embedded training is pretty much what I do-- meet with

>>> tutor and student and try to help the tutor develop adjusted

>>> strategies and techniques for working with that learner and teach

>>> the teacher as we go along what works.


>>> What I am saying is that the foundations skills are so lacking

>>> that the "embedded training" is just like putting water color

>>> paint on a house in a rainy climate. I know places like

>>> Illinois have made some good efforts to create a more substantial

>>> training program for tutors and require that they complete an

>>> online portion and a face to face session or two before tutors

>>> can begin. It is a start--but I have worked with one literacy

>>> provider organization that admitted in so many words that it was

>>> more important to keep the tutors happy than to serve the

>>> learners' real needs-- so that organization would not change its

>>> highly ineffective method of assigning tutors to students even

>>> while recognizing that learners' needs were not being met.


>>> I am suggesting that perhaps this paradigm can be shifted--rather

>>> dramatically, that learners' needs MUST drive tutor training and

>>> assignments. What is so bad about setting things up so tutors

>>> must EARN the right to work with learners just as teachers must?

>>> I know of at least one program in the West that does that.

>>> Tutors must literally earn the qualification as a tutor through

>>> participation in a rigorous training program before they can have

>>> the privilege of working with a learner. And they have tutors

>>> not only eager to start, but who are competent enough to love

>>> what they do and know they are being effective. Most training

>>> programs I am aware of last from about 6-18 hours and are a hodge-

>>> podge of information on adult learning, doing paperwork, culture

>>> information, ESL general principles (but few techniques), etc.

>>> Even things like learning how to set concr ete, achievable, real

>>> goals WITH the learner and then measure progress i n clear terms

>>> are elements that I have never seen in training. In working with

>>> some professional tutors from one of the large literacy

>>> organizations a few years ago, I was told that they were well

>>> trained in setting up a lesson plan, but had not the first word

>>> of training in how to measure whether the lesson was effective or

>>> not.


>>> What you see when this happens and learning is vague is the blame-

>>> the-learner syndrome. EVERY ONE of the tutors here that I

>>> have worked with FIRST blamed the learner for not "getting" what

>>> was being offered, and then, later in the conversation, began to

>>> wonder if maybe they ( the tutor) could possible present the

>>> information differently or wonder if it was even the RIGHT

>>> information. One of these--and his supervisor-- characterized

>>> his learner as an almost total beginner in English and the tutor

>>> was doing ESOL 101.01--"Hi. My name is___. What is YOUR

>>> name?" . FIVE minutes with the learner told me that he was

>>> really an intermediate learner-- he had LOTS of not-so-

>>> comprehensible English and wanted to learn more vocabulary to be

>>> able to carry on a normal conversation. The tutor, having

>>> nothing to compare it to, nor any rubric or anything for gauging

>>> it, judged the level to be zero.


>>> I agree that SOME tutors COULD learn on the ground, but unless

>>> they have more preparation for what they are going to do, it

>>> would take a tremendous amount of mentoring and monitoring, which

>>> no literacy program could manage, that I know of. One of the

>>> tutors I have mentored here is a 25-yr. teaching veteran. She

>>> confessed that NOTHING in her experience as a teacher prepared

>>> her for the demands of tutoring a highly literate adult ESOL

>>> learner.


>>> Robin



>>> -----Original Message-----

>>> From: Jodi Crandall <crandall at>

>>> To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List

>>> <professionaldevelopment at>

>>> Sent: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 2:59 pm

>>> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1912] Re: Requesting Resource

>>> Information


>>> I think Robin has shared what are very important concerns.


>>> I also know how hard it is to expect volunteer tutors to have

>>> substantial training in teaching ESL/ESOL. I'd really like to

>>> know how various programs structure professional development for

>>> volunteers/tutors? In a recent brief I co-authored, with

>>> Genesis Ingersoll and Jacqueline Lopez at CAL, "Adult ESL

>>> Teacher Credentialing and Certification" we tried to identify

>>> what the states are requiring in terms of initial hiring and

>>> professional development. Because it was a "Brief," we

>>> could not go into much detail on various ways in which individual

>>> programs are training or what their initial hiring expectations

>>> are. You can access the Brief at:



>>> Be sure to click on the large table which provides information on

>>> each of the states and the District of Columbia.


>>> Since we know that most adult ESL/ESOL practitioners gain much of

>>> their knowledge and skill on the job (see Marilyn Gillespie and

>>> Cristine Smith on this at NCSALL), we really need to figure out

>>> the best ways in which we can support tutors and help them to

>>> gain skills while they are tutoring.


>>> Is there a way to "embed" training in the volunteers' tutoring

>>> experiences. I'm thinking of something similar to ways in which

>>> ESL and work-related training is provided to workers on the job.

>>> "Embedded training" -- the same as ESL and skills instruction

>>> embedded in work -- is something that has great potential, I

>>> think. Has anyone tried this? How?


>>> Jodi Crandall





>>> On Feb 7, 2008, at 1:15 PM, robinschwarz1 at wrote:


>>>> I hate to be a wet blanket here, but this just caught my eye.

>>>> Why don't you recommend that this person advertise at a local

>>>> college for someone to tutor him. He needs someone who will

>>>> work with him on his assignments who is able to meet him at the

>>>> level of English he already has. I say this having just worked

>>>> with one on one with the FOURTH tutor from the local library

>>>> Literacy Services assigned to an ESOL learner with fairly strong

>>>> English skills. I have also worked with numerous literacy

>>>> service providers in several states and regularly provide PD

>>>> sessions for literacy tutors in the state where I live.


>>>> These tutors mean so well but know so very little about working

>>>> with ESOL learners that frankly, it is not a productive match.

>>>> Since the tutors do not know ESOL issues well, they tend

>>>> to grab at some generic book in hopes that will appease the

>>>> learner-- when usually the learner has very specific needs and

>>>> goals, as does this learner, which do not get met or addressed

>>>> at all.


>>>> I am so disheartened by the gap between what ESOL learners need

>>>> and what their literacy tutors are providing that I have decided

>>>> to speak more frankly about it. I have adjusted my sessions

>>>> with tutors to help them start with the very basics: let's find

>>>> out just what English your learner actually knows and then what

>>>> he or she really came to you to learn.


>>>> Robin Lovrien Schwarz

>>>> -----Original Message-----

>>>> From: Sandy Phillips <SPhillips at>

>>>> To: lbedford at; The Adult Literacy Professional

>>>> Development Discussion List <professionaldevelopment at>

>>>> Sent: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 10:37 am

>>>> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1910] Re: Requesting Resource

>>>> Information


>>>> Laurie,


>>>> Have him call the Literacy Coordinator at the Stockton Public

>>>> Library Peaches Ehrich at (209) 937-8261. I am sure she can

>>>> help him locate the help he needs.


>>>> Sandy Phillips

>>>> Literacy Coordinator

>>>> Volunteer Coordinator

>>>> (760) 435-5683

>>>> (760) 435-5681 FAX#

>>>> sphillips at


>>>> From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at

>>>> [mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of

>>>> Laurie Bedford

>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 7:38 AM

>>>> To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List

>>>> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1909] Requesting Resource

>>>> Information


>>>> All,

>>>> I am an adjunct faculty member at an online unversity teaching

>>>> graduate courses. I have a student who is struggling with his

>>>> writing. He is an english languague learner and Spanish is his

>>>> first language. He lives in Stockton, CA. Does anyone know

>>>> of any resources in that area that he might draw upon? Thanks.

>>>> Laurie



>>>> Laurie Bedford, Ph.D.

>>>> Adjunct Faculty/Instructional Development Consultant

>>>> lbedford at

>>>> 605-720-7881



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>>> JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall

>>> Professor and Director

>>> Language, Literacy and Culture Ph.D. Program

>>> Director, Peace Corps Master's Intl Program in ESOL/Bilingual

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>>> University of Maryland Baltimore County

>>> 1000 Hilltop Circle

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>> JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall

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>> University of Maryland Baltimore County

>> 1000 Hilltop Circle

>> Baltimore, MD 21250

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> JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall

> Professor and Director

> Language, Literacy and Culture Ph.D. Program

> Director, Peace Corps Master's Intl Program in ESOL/Bilingual

> Education

> University of Maryland Baltimore County

> 1000 Hilltop Circle

> Baltimore, MD 21250

> tel: 410-455-2313

> fax: 410-455-8947

> eml: crandall at





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JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall
Professor and Director
Language, Literacy and Culture Ph.D. Program
Director, Peace Corps Master's Intl Program in ESOL/Bilingual Education
University of Maryland Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
tel: 410-455-2313
fax: 410-455-8947
eml: crandall at

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