National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 525] Measuring Education Gains in Adult Literacy

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Tue Oct 17 21:06:34 EDT 2006

Dear Subscribers,

I hope this email finds you well.

There has been an interesting discussion regarding this subject taking
place over the past week on the NLA Discussion List.

I have compiled the discussion in user-friendly format and I attach it
here for your convenience - and for your comments, questions, and
suggestions. I believe that when to test, how often, and what type of
testing is one of our greatest concerns in Adult Literacy in terms of
policy and practice. What do you think?

I would like to hear your thoughts.

Please take a little time to read through the discussion, and post here
your ideas.

Here are some questions related to the discussion to spark your

Do you think that the present system of testing annually is effective or
not? Why?
What are some of the consequences of an annual assessment cycle?
What do you think would be a good timeframe for measuring learning gains
of adult students? Why?
Do you think a timeframe for measuring learning gains is affected by the
level (beginning, intermediate, advanced, etc) of the adult student? Is
it affected by the subject matter or content - for example, reading,
math, writing, etc?
If our system were based on multi-year funding, how would that affect
other parts of the system like follow-up? What would be some
suggestions for managing this?
What are some of your suggestions for changing our present policy of
testing on an annual basis?
Do you believe that we could change policy on this issue? How could we
do that?

Thanks, and I'm very much looking forward to your replies.

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

Marie Cora
<mailto:marie.cora at> marie.cora at
NIFL Assessment Discussion List Moderator
Coordinator, LINCS Assessment Special Collection

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