National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 471] Guest discussion - CASAS Basic Skills Content Standards Project

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Tue Aug 29 10:57:40 EDT 2006

Dear colleagues,

Please note that the CASAS discussion began yesterday - apologies for
not sending you this reminder earlier. If you would like to see any of
yesterday's posts, please check out the archives at
and click on Read Current Posted Messages.

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

Greetings all,

Today begins our guest discussion on the CASAS Basic Skills Content
Standards Project. Please welcome our guests Jane Eguez, Jim Harrison,
and Linda Taylor from CASAS.

I know our guests will attempt to answer your questions in a timely
manner, but as always, remember this list represents colleagues in
multiple time zones across the U.S. as well as International
subscribers- so we'll work together to make this a lively exchange.

I am re-posting the introductory information below for those who may
need it.

If you wish to forward this message to others who are not currently
subscribed, they can participate by signing up for the list at:


Aaron Kohring
Moderator, National Institute for Literacy's Content Standards
Discussion List (


Since its inception, CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment
System) has focused on teaching and assessing basic skills in contexts
that are relevant and important to adult learners. CASAS has developed
and continues to refine a highly formalized hierarchy of competencies,
the application of basic skills that adults need to be fully functional
and productive members of society.

In the past few years, at the request of the CASAS National Consortium,
representing approximately 30 states, CASAS has begun development of
basic skills content standards as a formal part of the CASAS system.
This enhancement of the CASAS system is intended to assist and encourage
teachers to more fully integrate basic skills content standards and
functional competencies in instruction.

The basic skills content standards for Reading and Listening contain
simple, clearly stated, detailed statements that are leveled according
to the NRS Educational Functioning Levels, and are also related to CASAS
test items in several CASAS test series. The statements are divided into
Categories to assist teachers to navigate through the standards.

In the past two years, CASAS has worked with Iowa and California to
pilot these standards with teachers in a variety of adult education
programs. A number of useful teacher worksheets and other tools have
emerged from these efforts.

We invite you to learn more about the CASAS basic skills Content
Standards Project and to ask questions about it during the listserv
discussion next week. To prepare for this discussion, we refer you to
the CASAS website where you will find more detailed information about
the development of the standards, the standards themselves, worksheets
for teachers, and information about the pilot project in Iowa. Go to

We look forward to engaging with you in this discussion next week.

Jane Eguez (jeguez at, Jim Harrison (jharrison at ) and
Linda Taylor (ltaylor at ), CASAS

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