National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 459] Reading discussion on Women & Literacy List

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Thu Aug 3 13:47:44 EDT 2006


The following book discussion will take place on the Women & Literacy
Discussion List. To subscribe, go to:


After counting the votes, two readings have been selected for our first
reading discussion that Mev Miller will facilitate from August 15 - 22,

1) Moving Beyond "Stupid": Taking Account of the Impact of Violence on
Women's Learning (12 pages)

2) Chapter 5 from Too Scared to Learn, "Learning in the Context of
Trauma: The Challenge of Setting Goals" (37 pages)

If you are interested in participating in the discussion, please
download and read these two articles from the Jenny Horsman website:
(if you look at the right side bar of her website, you will see the two
readings listed. Click on the readings and you will be taken to the
material. Depending on your computer, it may take a few minutes for the
article to download):

*** These articles are posted as a courtesy on the Internet for the
purposes of this discussion. They will be available for download only
until August 22, 2006. ***

As supplemental reading, you may also want to look at this article
available on the WE LEARN website:
"But Is It Education?" The Challenge of Creating Effective Learning for
Survivors of Trauma -- Women's Studies Quarterly, 32: #1&2, 2004-- (16

Guidelines for Discussion
* Do not begin discussing the articles until the group is formally
opened by the facilitator on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2006 (this will give
participants time to read prior to discussion).

* During the designated discussion period, use the assigned discussion
subject line each time you post. (Mev will announce it in email that
opens the discussion)

* Be mindful that many people only check email once a day or
sporadically. As with any discussion, if you have made a post, please
allow space and time for others to come into the discussion.

* Remember, this is an open, public discussion. If you have something
private or sensitive to respond, you may want to take it off list with
an individual.

The discussion will begin on Aug. 15, 2006 with an opening statement by
the facilitator, Mev Miller. We hope you will join us.

Mev Miller, Ed.D. is director and founder of WE LEARN (Women expanding
Literacy Education action resource Network -- A long time feminist activist, Mev
has years of experience in facilitating reading-discussion circles on a
variety of women's issues. Her experience also includes facilitating
Women Leading Through Reading Reading-Discussion Circles with women in
both ABE and ESOL learning Settings.WE LEARN Women Expanding: Literacy
Education Action Resource Network

Please encourage your friends/colleagues to join us. They can subscribe


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