National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 393] Discussion Thanks!

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Mon Jun 26 11:56:47 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to thank Myrna Manly for being our Guest last week and
facilitating a super conversation on math and assessment! Thanks as
well to all of you who contributed to the discussion - I'm sure
subscribers found the discussion as interesting and as informative as I

I will prepare the Math Discussion in user-friendly format, and post it
this week at the following locations for your use (I'll send out an
alert when it's posted):

* The archive on the NIFL Discussion Lists Homepage
( click on the
Guest Speaker button in the left toolbar for the archives of Guests on
the NIFL Lists.
* The ALE Wiki Assessment Section
( click
on Discussions.
* You can read the entire thread now if you go to the Assessment
archive at: click on
Read Current Posted Messages.

Thanks again to Myrna for leading such a wonderful discussion on math
and assessment. For anyone who wishes to continue the discussion, I
encourage you to do so - there were a number of points and questions
raised toward the end of the week that I've no doubt folks have opinions

Thanks to all again,

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

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