National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 384] Re: Math as a puzzle, or swimming

Mdr151 at Mdr151 at
Fri Jun 23 22:52:17 EDT 2006

One of the greatest joys of being a math teacher is to see students dread
and hate of math turn to joy for math. One student that comes to mind just
recently graduated from a technical college. She shared with me that it took her
9 years to consider coming back to school and facing math. I was so
fortunate to have her for a student and watch her fear of math melt away. One way I
address math phobia is through journal writing. Students are required to
respond to a math prompt, provide examples, make connections and lastly to
reflect on their learning. It is in the reflections that the fear and struggles are
revealed. I journal back, giving them encouragement and offering suggestions.

This particular student's journals showed her excitement in finally
understanding math and seeing connections. She continues today to send me emails
about math websites she has found or successes she has had since being in
college.She was so proud to share that she got an A in technical physics and
graduated with honors.

I truly believe we must develop a safe environment for math learners, one in
which they dare to take risks and not feel stupid in trying and one that
offers support in their stuggles.

Pam Meader
President, Adult Numeracy Network
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