National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 357] Math anxiety and assessment

jataylor jataylor at
Sun Jun 18 12:00:57 EDT 2006

Hello Myrna and All ~
Myrna, thanks for joining us for this discussion! Sounds like it will be a
good week ahead. I have a question for you and the group.

I believe math anxiety can be a clear barrier for some students in seeing
themselves as successful at math (self-efficacy), and ultimately inhibiting
their ability to make progress with math. What strategies do you use to help
learners reduce math anxiety? How do you know (assess) whether or not the
strategy does indeed reduce anxiety? (of course there’s simply asking them
what they thought of the activity
) But are there also quick tools or other
formative assessments you use to gauge student comfort with learning math?

I’ve asked a similar question on the Women and Literacy List. I’d be glad to
collect any strategies or resources posted to either list (pertaining to math
anxiety), and share them with the group when the discussion is over.

Best, Jackie

Jackie Taylor, Adult Literacy Professional Development List Moderator,
jataylor at

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