National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 333] FW: [AAACE-NLA] Literacy President Update May 12, 2006

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Sat May 13 08:45:45 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues: below please read an update on the Literacy President
campaign. Have YOU responded?
marie cora

The Literacy President survey to determine the top five questions to ask
the Presidential Candidates is going well. Nearly 800 people have
responded, and about 6% of the participants are adult learners (not
including college students). The two states which have the most number
participants are Pennsylvania and Washington State. Many states have
particpated however.

Our goal is 1500 people, and we have a little under two weeks left to
reach it. To meet the goal we need to be sure the word is getting out.
So far I am aware of only one national organization that has asked its
members to particpate in this survey, VALUE. I know that VALUE Executive
Director, Marty Finsterbusch has made getting out the word to VALUE
members a priority and that this does seem to have made a difference in
the number of adult learners participating. But it is disappointing if
other national adult literacy organizations are not making this a
priority. I know that the Literacy Presideent message has been posted
some state lists -- and clearly advocates in several states are working
this. My congratulations especially to Pennsylvania and Washington.

If you are a member of a national adult literacy organization, please
or email your leadership and ask them to get the word out to their


David J. Rosen
Adult Literacy Advocate
Member, the Literacy President Group
DJRosen at the

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