National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 289] Focus on Basics Discussion

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Wed Apr 5 13:16:54 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

The following Guest Discussion will be help April 10-14 on the Focus on
Basics Discussion List.

Focus on Basics (FOB) is a quarterly publication from the National
Center for Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL), which connects research
to practice in adult literacy education. The report from the recent
evaluation of FOB is complete and highlights the variety of ways that it
impacts its readers. Barb Garner, FOB's editor, will lead a discussion
on the list the week of April 10-14 to discuss the survey results and
how these results can guide our use of FOB as professionals. Please take
a look at the evaluation and think about comments or questions you may

If you are not subscribed to the FOB list, you can easily subscribe for
this discussion, and unsubscribe afterwards. Just go to:

Feel free to contact me with any question.
All the best,
Julie McKinney, moderator, Focus on Basics Discussion List
julie_mckinney at

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