National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 283] Re: ETS Tutorial

Marie Cora marie.cora at
Fri Mar 31 11:23:00 EST 2006

Dear everyone,

I have received the following email to post.

marie cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

I went online to try the tutorial as you suggested and I wasn't clear if
those were sample questions in general or if they are specific to the
new EFF assessments. If they are, I saw a great connection to authentic
texts, but not a clear tie to the components of the standards.
Basically, they looked a lot like GED (or TABE) questions, but in a
computerized format. Also, I'm pretty sure there's an error on one of
the sample questions in the health section. The question asks how many
minutes you'd have to run to burn off calories from eating a tuna
sandwich, but then you're supposed to highlight the answer in the chart,
but all the chart says is how many calories you burn per minute running.
I would think there'd need to be a box to fill in the response. I was
hoping that you might be able to clarify for me. Thank you.

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