National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment 278] Re: More questions about the price

Howard L. Dooley, Jr. hdooley at
Wed Mar 29 12:28:36 EST 2006

I think it's a little early to be overly-concerned about the price. I
am concerned that most of the postings this week are about this one point.

I do think that the field needs to develop these assessments, to see
what these assessments are and what they can give our learners, our
instructors, our managers, our directors, and our fellow stakeholders,
particularly given the investment we have made in EFF over the past ten
years. To be effective for us, it needs to be a complete system, which
means (among so many other things) having an assessment component.

The tests are in development, and it's not certain what the
cost/administration will be once they are up and running, and large
numbers of programs are using them.
Also, my organization uses performance tests in some classes and
programs, and objective, pen-and-pencil tests in others, depending on
the learners, their learning difficulties, the instructional content,
and what we need from the standardized assessment piece of our learner
assessments. So, if we used these tests, we wouldn't necessarily be
using them for every learner in every program.

Third, if you pre-test each learner, and then post-test each learner
once or twice a year, that is a $20 or $30 cost/learner at the current
rate. Is that too much, to meet federal and state requirements? And
thus keep those grants? I think you'd have to look at how much you are
spending now, and how much of an increase this represents. And, as I
said previously, you would need to consider the value added by these
assessments over what you are currently using. I don't know that
funders would balk at these costs (by which I mean I personally don't
think they would), if you have a cogent explanation as to why these
assessments are the best -- or perhaps necessary -- choice to
demonstrate your learners success in achieving their educational and
life goals.

Howard D.

elohimsgirl at wrote:


>What do you all feel about the cost? That sounds expensive to me. I am interested to hear others' thoughts.


>Marlo Thomas Watson

>Director of Adult and Workforce Education

>Northeast Kingdom Learning Services (NEKLS)

>364 Railroad Street, Suite 2

>St. Johnsbury, VT 05819


>(802) 748-5624 phone (802) 751-8071 fax


>elohimsgirl at




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