National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] Request for rubrics

karisa tashjian ktashjian at
Wed Feb 22 13:19:17 EST 2006

Hi Marie,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I have looked at those rubrics as well as the WIKI. I am searching for rubrics that are tailored for specific classroom assignments in the adult ESL classroom. For instance, a teacher assigns students to give an oral presentation. I would like an example of a rubric that a teacher has designed to go along with the presentation. Hopefully, it will assess their pronunciation and/or grammar and/or organization of material. My overall intention is to share these in our upcoming teacher newsletter. Instead of just writing about the usefulness of rubrics in the adult ESL classroom, I would like to give examples.

I hope I'm not on the wrong track with this........but I have created rubrics for K-12 assignments (or had the students help create them) with great success. My challenge is finding ones that would be adaptable for our classrooms. One of the strengths I find with rubrics is that students truly internalize the criteria for success and can self-evaluate.

I welcome any advice.

Thank you,

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