National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] Questions about TABE 9/10 -- and what should TestPublishers Provide on their Web Sites?

Diane Senders dsenders at
Mon Feb 13 13:31:59 EST 2006

We use TABE 7/8 in state funded programs in Arizona. As part of the
training to give the TABE, we were provided with a set of explanations
from the publisher. One book is called 'Forms 7&8 Technical Report'.
This explains all of the information about how the TABE 7&8 were
developed. It includes info about equating TABE 7 with TABE 5. (TABE 5&6
were predecessors to TABE 7&8.)
It also gives a chart in the 'Validity' section which shows the
overlapping grade equivalent range of the different levels of the TABE.
We were told by our State Division of Adult Education that when a
student scores in either the low or high scoring range of a level, that
score was not a valid one and the student scoring in that range needed
to take the lower or higher level to get a valid score. For example, if
a student scored very high - 12.9 GE on the level D, that is not a valid
score and the student should take the level A to get a valid score.
I checked the McGraw-Hill/Contemporary site and there is a Technical
Report available for the TABE 9&10. It may give you some answers.
However I don't know whether you can look at it without purchasing it.
Good luck! And please let us know what you find out.

Thanks, Diane

Diane Senders, Program Administrator
Literacy Volunteers of Tucson
1948 E Allen Rd
Tucson, AZ 85719
phone: (520) 882-8006
fax: (520) 882-4986

Literacy Volunteers of Tucson - Strengthening Individuals, Families and
Communities Through Literacy Tutoring.
Literacy Volunteers of Tucson is an accredited affiliate of
ProLiteracy America

-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]
On Behalf Of David Rosen
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:57 AM
To: The Discussion List Assessment
Cc: iddo at
Subject: [Assessment] Questions about TABE 9/10 -- and what should
TestPublishers Provide on their Web Sites?

Assessment Colleagues,

The post below (from Iddo Gal, on the Numeracy discussion list) is
pertinent to the Assessment list. If you would like to be sure that
Iddo gets your reply, in addition to posting it here, also please
email it to him. His email address is below.

Iddo also raises a larger question which we might explore on the
assessment list, and which someone might develop into a summary of
points to send to test publishers. Do you agree that test publishers
should consider making technical manuals (and independent research or
evaluations of their tests) available on their Web sites? What other
information should they routinely provide?

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Iddo Gal" <iddo at>

> Date: February 7, 2006 8:15:49 AM EST

> To: numeracy at, <numeracy at>

> Subject: Questions about TABE 9/10

> Reply-To: numeracy at



> Hi all:


> I am looking for good info regarding the content and background of

> the math

> subtests of the new TABE 9/10, and what are the differences between


> 7&8 and 9&10.


> I have been frustrated by the lack of detailed info on the website

> of the

> publishers. Contemporary's website has just commercial info about the

> different booklets and products, and McGraw Hill, the parent

> company, has

> more info but nothing of value if one wants to undestand to what

> extent a

> different logic was used in TABE 9&10 - it says somewhere that the new

> versions were created based on NAEP framework (I guess unlike 7 &

> 8), but

> there's no way to verify that, and no link to a Technical Manual which

> would have the background professional details and supporting

> research.


> Further, I found some conflicting info on the websites of different

> State

> Resource Centers, with a couple saying the 9 & 10 are essentially

> the same,

> but others claiming there are substantial differences. Hmm....


> Overall I am quite surprised that so little systematic info has been

> published for the community. Seems adult educators and managers

> have to

> make test-selection and interpretive decisions with very patchy

> info to go

> on.


> Can anybody direct me to any resource which has deeper info on TABE

> 9 & 10,

> or do you know of a program that has conducted its own analysis of the

> differences between 9 & 10 and 7 & 10?


> Much obliged,


> --Iddo




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