National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] EFF in the classroom

Aaron Kohring akohring at
Tue Jan 10 15:11:36 EST 2006


I'll tackle your first question with an example from the EFF Toolkit:

You can read through this example and see how the teacher came up with an
assessment checklist with students for a particular lesson. Can you see
how the assessment connects back to the definition for the Math Standard?

The example also shows in a table at the bottom how the integrated skill
process for the Standard is addressed within the lesson- what it looks like
for that lesson.


At 03:01 PM 1/10/2006 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi everyone,




>I m wondering if one of our guests (or anyone who works with EFF!) can

>describe how to use EFF to develop an assessment for the classroom. Maybe

>this is a lot to ask, but if you can walk us through an example of

>assessing Read With Understanding or Use Math to Solve Problems for

>example, that would be great (but an example using any standard will do!).




>Also, how do you assess some of the Lifelong Learning and Interpersonal

>Skills? Some of the Broad Areas of Responsibility and Key Activities in

>the Role Maps ( are

>pretty abstract and the concepts are large can someone comment on this?








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Aaron Kohring
Coordinator, LINCS Literacy & Learning Disabilities Special Collection
Moderator, National Institute for Literacy's Content Standards Discussion
List (
Coordinator, Equipped for the Future Websites (

Center for Literacy Studies, University of Tennessee
EFF Center for Training and Technical Assistance
Phone:(865) 974-4109 main
(865) 974-4258 direct
Fax: (865) 974-3857
e-mail: akohring at

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