National Institute for Literacy

[Assessment] EFF Discussion Begins Today!

Samuel McGraw III samuel.mcgraw at
Mon Jan 9 11:39:33 EST 2006

Marie et. al.,

I have a simple (yet possible complex answer) question.

Has anyone cross referenced EFF and CASAS standards? And if so. What the outcome.

Seattle Goodwill Learning Center
-----Original Message-----
From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at]On Behalf Of Marie Cora
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 7:10 AM
To: Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment] EFF Discussion Begins Today!

Good morning, afternoon, and evening to you all.

I'm pleased to welcome Peggy, Aaron, Regie, and EFF Center Staff to our discussion. I've been thinking about this over the weekend, and I have a couple of questions to start us off:

For our guests:

-The EFF Standards are complex in terms of what they try to capture in a performance. Is this was makes them different from competencies? Or perhaps even different from other standards?

For subscribers: I found the "thought-provokers" really helped me to focus on a piece of this big picture so I could get a handle on it. Did anyone try #1 below? Or perhaps if there are EFF users on the List, you might comment on this activity. As for #2 below - I found this question helpful because it did make me consider how often and in what ways I would look for achievement over time, and it also made me think that I would necessarily look for such incremental gains via classroom assessment rather than with a high stakes test.

1. Pick any EFF standard, read its definition, and imagine what it would look like if you were actually assessing the application of the integrated skill process described in the standard's definition.

2. How often do you feel a need to look for evidence that learning has happened? How does the nature of the evidence you are looking for change as you look for learning within the space of one class session, one week, one month, one course, one year, and so on.

Anyway, that's what I was thinking about. How about you? Please post your questions and comments!
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

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