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Admissions Director Welcome
Captain Bibeau

Captain Susan Bibeau (2)

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Your choice to explore the Coast Guard Academy tells me you may be someone special who recognizes that anything truly worth doing requires effort, teamwork, and commitment. That's what you'll find here. The Coast Guard Academy extends challenges and rewards unlike what you will find at other colleges.

You may have heard how selective the Coast Guard Academy is, but don't let that deter you. I try not to offer much advice because I'm sure you're getting plenty already. I suggest only this: learn as much as possible about the Academy and the Coast Guard before you decide if the Coast Guard Academy is right for you. If you have questions, I invite you to contact me or a member of my staff. Whatever your final decision, I wish you the very best in your college search. Semper Paratus!

Captain Susan Bibeau
Director of Admissions
Coast Guard Academy Class of 1980


Fast facts

Academy graduates work in exciting careers:



Afloat Operations

Marine Environmental Safety and Environmental Protection

Law Enforcement

Homeland Security 


Intergovermental Operations 

Personnel Training 

Port Operations and Waterways Management 



Academy alumni enjoy great success in a wide range of civilian careers:

Executive positions in major corporations and non-profits

Engineering and management positions in maufacturing and technology firms

Leaders of enterpreneurial ventures and cnsulting businesses

Environmental Officer

Faculty postions at prestigious institutions, ncluding the United States Coast Guard Academy 

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