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AIM Summer Program
A Typical Week

A Typical Week

DAY 1: Arrival/Check In. Uniform Issue. Welcome by the Academy Superintendent and Director of Admissions. Meet with Cadre and Admissions Officers.

DAY 2: Meet with the Faculty. Academy Tour. Sailing and Sports. Marching practice or other Military Training. Address by the Dean of Academics and the Commandant of Cadets. Interplatoon Athletics.

DAY 3: Meet with Faculty for Academic Majors Overview and Engineering Projects. Marching practice and sports. Cookout.

DAY 4: Meet with Faculty - Overview Academic Majors and Engineering Projects. Physical Fitness Exam. Spirit Hour.

DAY 5: Meet with Faculty-Overview Academic Majors and Engineering Projects. Sailing. Coast Guard Cutter or Helicopter Tour. Final Indoctrination test. Interplatoon Athletics. Preparation for Inspection.

DAY 6: Inspection Competition. Coast Guard Helicopter Tour/Search and Rescue Demonstration. Picnic. Graduation & departure.


CGA History

Fore and Aft Syle Hat
Fore and Aft Style Hat
This fore and aft style hat, made in France, belonged to ADM Harry Gabriel Hamlet, Superintendent of the Academy from May 1928 to June 1932 and Coast Guard Commandant from 1932 to 1936. Fore and Aft style hats are still used in ceremonies such as the appointment of the "Ancient Mariner" (the cutterman who ensures sea-service traditions are upheld.)
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