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Swab Summer Traditions

Swearing In Ceremony: At the conclusion of R-Day, members of the new class march onto Parade field, raise their right hand, and swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Family and friends share in this bittersweet moment, welcoming our country's newest members of the Armed Forces, and shortly thereafter, bidding a fond farewell to loved ones. 

Eagle:  Swabs take to the high seas as mariners have through the ages! Sailing EAGLE-- "America's Tall Ship" -- requires courage, strength, good humor and discipline. This week at sea gives Swabs a chance to put their newfound skills, indoctrination, autonomy and respect for authority to the test. Finally, port calls offer not only the occasional chance for brief meetings with family and friends, but also give Eagle and its crew an opportunity to explore and to shine in public at distant destinations.

Flag Ceremony: Pride and tradition mark this much anticipated annual event, to be held  Saturday, July 26th at nearby Mystic Seaport, "The Museum of America and the Sea." Parents and family members are welcome to attend and enjoy a brief visit with their new-- more confident-- cadet, while Swabs honor both parents and the public with a marching parade that culminates with a Flag presentation to the Class of 2012.

Core Values Ceremony:  The Class of 2012 will be the second to participate in this evening ceremony and initiate what we expect will become a meaningful Academy tradition. During a special dinner, cadets will delve into, discuss, debate, and celebrate the relevance and meaning of the Coast Guard's core values of "Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty" before being formally called upon to personally embrace these hallowed virtues.


Motivation to Serve - III
Motivation to Serve - III

“…The clock on the wall behind me ticked, the noise sinking through the sudden silence. All my senses rapidly collapsed into one, and a calm peace began to permeate through my body. I forgot about all the stresses of school, dance, and the confusions of being 16. As my Chem notes wavered in front of me, I realized that there was so much in life that I didn’t understand, and so much that I can understand and will understand. I thought of the Coast Guard, and of the ocean, and of everything I love. I thought of the discipline, the training, and the challenges that are to come. I thought of every tear I will shed, of every smile I will grin, of every formula that I will learn. And I couldn’t help but know that I had found it. I had found the stuff that never bores me. I had found the stuff that I love. And this, this is the real reason I want to go to the Academy.” - A member of the Class of 2011


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