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What is Fusion?


Major Facilities

Advisory Committee (FESAC)


 Fusion Institutions


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The mission of the U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Program is to advance plasma science, fusion science, and fusion technology − the knowledge base needed for an economically and environmentally attractive fusion energy source.


FY 2009

Goal:  Answer the key scientific questions and overcome enormous technical challenges to harness the power that fuels a star, realizing by the middle of this century a landmark scientific achievement by bringing “fusion power to the grid.”


1. Conduct experiments on the major fusion facilities (DIII-D, Alcator C-Mod, NSTX) leading toward the predictive capability for burning plasmas and configuration optimization.

In FY 2009, FES will identify the fundamental processes governing particle balance by systematically investigating a combination of divertor geometries, particle exhaust capabilities, and wall materials. Alcator C-Mod operates with high-Z metal walls, NSTX is pursuing the use of lithium surfaces in the divertor, and DIII-D continues operating with all graphite walls. Edge diagnostics measuring the heat and particle flux to walls and divertor surfaces, coupled with plasma profile data and material surface analysis, will provide input for validating simulation codes. The results achieved will be used to improve extrapolations to planned ITER operation.



Quarter Statement of Quarterly Target Link to Report (to be activated when available)
First Develop a preliminary research plan coordinated among the three facilities, in order to accomplish the required experiments on particle control and hydrogenic fuel retention, towards the goal of understanding particle balance. X
Second Initial planned experiments will have been carried out on at least one of the three facilities. X
Third Experiments will have been carried out at multiple facilities. Experimental analysis and preliminary modeling will be in progress on results from multiple facilities. Make an initial evaluation of the results to date and adjust research plans as necessary. X
Fourth Complete the necessary experiments, analysis, and modeling. Prepare a joint report on the empirical understanding gained, the comparison to simulation and identify critical research areas to improve extrapolation to ITER. X


2. Increase resolution in simulations of plasma phenomena -- optimizing confinement and predicting the behavior of burning plasmas require improved simulations of edge and core plasma phenomena, as the characteristics of the edge can strongly affect core confinement.

In FY 2009, gyrokinetic edge electrostatic turbulence simulations will be carried out across the divertor separatrix with enhanced resolution down to the ion gyroradius scale.



Quarter Statement of Quarterly Target Link to Report (to be activated when available)
First Simulate collisionless electrostatic ion temperature gradient turbulence in DIII-D edge geometry in the XGC1 gyrokinetic code using 8,000 processors on Jaguar at ORNL and Franklin at NERSC, with the radial and poloidal resolution being twice the ion gyro-radius. X
Second Add Coulomb collisions to the edge ITG turbulence simulation using 12,800 processors on Jaguar at ORNL and Franklin at NERSC. X
Third Enhance the radial resolution down to the ion gyro-radius scale across the separatrix using 16,192 processors on Jaguar at ORNL and Franklin at NERSC. X
Fourth Complete the enhanced resolution simulation of the electrostatic gyrokinetic edge turbulence across the divertor separatrix down to the ion gyro-radius scale in both radial and poloidal directions, using XGC1 on 20,032 Jaguar processors at ORNL. X


3. Average achieved operation time of the major national fusion facilities (DIII-D, Alcator C-Mod, NSTX) as a percentage of the total planned operation time in FY09 of greater than 90%.


Statement of Target Accomplishment Daily Operations Logs
Projected to Meet Goal DIII-D
Projected to Meet Goal C-Mod
Projected to Meet Goal NSTX





FY 2008


Goal:  Answer the key scientific questions and overcome enormous technical challenges to harness the power that fuels a star, realizing by the middle of this century a landmark scientific achievement by bringing "fusion power to the grid."


1.     Conduct experiments on the major fusion facilities (DIII-D, Alcator C-Mod, NSTX) leading toward the predictive capability for burning plasmas and configuration optimization.  In FY 2008, FES will evaluate the generation of plasma rotation and momentum transport, and assess the impact of plasma rotation on stability and confinement.  Alcator-Mod will investigate rotation without external momentum input, NSTX will examine very high rotation speeds, and DIII-D will vary rotation speeds with neutral beams.  The results achieved at the major facilities will provide important new data for estimating the magnitude of and assessing the impact of rotation on ITER plasmas.


Quarter Statement of Quarterly Target Link to Report (to be activated when available)
First Develop a research plan and prepare the three facilities as necessary to accomplish the required experiments. X
Second Begin conducting planned experiments on at least one of the three facilities. X
Third With experiments and analysis in progress at multiple facilities, make an initial evaluation of the results to date, and adjust plans as necessary. X
Fourth Complete the required experiments and prepare a joint report summarizing the data and analysis contributing to estimating the magnitude, and assessing the impact, of rotation on ITER. X


2.    Increase resolution in simulations of plasma phenomena -- optimizing confinement and predicting the behavior of burning plasmas require improved simulations of edge and core plasma phenomena, as the characteristics of the edge can strongly affect core confinement.


Quarter Statement of Quarterly Target Link to Report (to be activated when available)
First Finish parallelization and testing of the newest TORIC-LH solver that directly couples the slow wave polarization of the lower hybrid (LH) wave. X
Second Validate an Alcator C-Mod LH simulation with TORIC-LH on the CRAY XT3/XT4 Jaguar facility at ORNL using 1000 radial elements and 1023 poloidal modes. X
Third Test scaling of the TORIC-LH solver for resolutions greater than 1023 poloidal modes with the number of radial elements fixed at 1000 for the Alcator C-Mod test case. X
Fourth Complete the 2047 poloidal mode target case for Alcator C-Mod using 1000 radial elements on the CRAY XT3/XT4 Jaguar facility. X


3.    Average achieved operation time of the major national fusion facilities as a percentage of the total planned operation time in FY 2008 - >90%.


Statement of Target Accomplishment Daily Operations Logs
Met Goal DIII-D
Met Goal C-Mod
Met Goal NSTX

4.    Cost-weighted mean percent variance from established cost and schedule baselines for major construction, upgrade, or equipment procurement projects in FY 2008 - <10%.

Statement of Target Accomplishment Project Director's Monthly Report
Project Cancelled NCSX




FY 2007

Goal:   Answer the key scientific questions and overcome enormous technical challenges to harness the power that fuels a star, realizing by the middle of this century a landmark scientific achievement by bringing "fusion power to the grid."

1.   Conduct experiments on the major fusion facilities (DIII-D, Alcator C-Mod, NSTX) leading toward the predictive capability for burning plasma and configuration optimization.  In FY 2007 FES will measure and identify magnetic modes on NSTX that are driven by energetic ions traveling faster than the speed of magnetic perturbations (Alfvén speed); such modes as ITER. Complete Milestone Report

Quarter Statement of Quarterly Target Link to Report
First At the NSTX Research Forum, complete development of a plan for the NSTX research campaign to study magnetic modes driven by energetic particles. (Dec 31, 2006) X
Second Commission and calibrate diagnostics tools and data acquisition hardware on the NSTX device.  (March 31, 2007) X
Third Measure supra-Alfvénic fast ion driven magnetic modes, covering frequencies up to a substantial fraction of the deuterium ion gyrofrequency. (June 30, 2007) X
Fourth Identify magnetic modes and mode behaviors associated with the super-Alfvénic fast ions and compare with modes associated with sub-Alfvénic fast ions published in the literature. (September 30, 2007) X

2.    Increase resolution in simulations of plasma phenomena--optimizing confinement and predicting the behavior of burning plasmas require improved simulations of edge and core plasma phenomena, as the characteristics of the edge can strongly affect core confinement.  In FY 2007, improve the simulation resolution of linear stability properties of Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes driven by energetic particles and neutral beams in ITER by increasing the number of toroidal modes used to 15.   Milestone Reports




Statement of Quarterly Target

Link to Report

First Develop fiducial ITER numerical equilibria, using the simulation code TRANSP, to determine the alpha-particle slowing down distribution and neutral beam ions for a range of operating regimes.  (Dec 31, 2006) X
Second Analyze the normal shear discharges, performing a parameter scan to determine the linear stability of toroidal mode number n = 1-15 TAE modes.  (March 31, 2007) X
Third Analyze the hybrid shear discharges, performing a parameter scan to determine the linear stability o toroidal mode number n - 1-15 TAE modes.  (June 30, 2007) X
Fourth Analyze the reversed shear discharges, performing a parameter scan to determine the linear stability of toroidal mode number n - 1-15 TAE modes, and prepare a comprehensive review of the TAE stability of ITER discharges in the three operating regimes. (September 30, 2007) X

3.    Average achieved operation time of the major national fusion facilities as a percentage of the total planned operation time in FY 2007 - >90%.

Statement of Target Accomplishment Daily Operations Logs
Met Goal DIII-D
Met Goal C-Mod
Met Goal NSTX

4.    Cost-weighted mean percent variance from established cost and schedule baselines for major construction, upgrade, or equipment procurement projects in FY 2007 - <10%.

Statement of Target Accomplishment Project Director's Monthly Report
Met Goal NCSX


FY 2006

Goal:   Answer the key scientific questions and overcome enormous technical challenges to harness the power that fuels a star, realizing by the middle of this century a landmark scientific achievement by bringing "fusion power to the grid."

1.   Conduct experiments on the major fusion facilities (DIII-D, Alcator C-Mod, NSTX) leading toward the predictive capability for burning plasma and configuration optimization.  In FY 2006 FES will inject 2 MW of neutral power in the counter direction on DIII-D and will begin physics experiments. Complete Milestone Report

Quarter Statement of Quarterly Target Link to Report
First Install new beamline port with modifications needed for counter injection.  (Dec 31, 2005) X
Second Complete installation of the new beamline hardware (beamline support strands, and spools).  (March 31, 2006) X
Third Complete beamline hardware system checkout.  Install refurbished ion sources and ready new beam system for operation.  (June 30, 2006) X
Fourth Inject 2 MW of deuterium neutrals into plasma from new beamline. Measure impact on rotation.  Document results.  (September 30, 2006) X

2.    Increase resolution in simulations of plasma phenomena--optimizing confinement and predicting the behavior of burning plasmas require improved simulations of edge and core plasma phenomena, as the characteristics of the edge can strongly affect core confinement.  In FY 2006 FES will simulate nonlinear plasma edge phenomena using extended MHD codes with a resolution of 40 toroidal modes.   Milestone Reports




Statement of Quarterly Target

Link to Report

First Run simplified, nonlinear, time-dependent computations with realistic initial edge conditions to find plasma conditions for use in full nonlinear studies of edge instabilities.   (Dec 31, 2004) X
Second Perform extended, linear perturbation studies to investigate the role of plasma edge density gradients.  The representation of the vessel wall will be improved to more accurately represent the DIII-D wall.  (March 31, 2005) X
Third Incorporate refinements to the plasma conditions and improved accuracy of the DIII-D geometry and profiles into full nonlinear studies of edge instabilities.  (June 30, 2005) X
Fourth Nonlinear plasma edge phenomena will be simulated using extended MHD codes with a resolution of 40 toroidal modes. (September 30, 2005) X

3.    Average achieved operation time of the major national fusion facilities as a percentage of the total planned operation time in FY 2006 - >90%.

Statement of Target Accomplishment Daily Operations Logs
Met Goal DIII-D
Met Goal C-Mod
Met Goal NSTX

4.    Cost-weighted mean percent variance from established cost and schedule baselines for major construction, upgrade, or equipment procurement projects in FY 2006 - <10%.

Statement of Target Accomplishment Project Director's Monthly Report
Met Goal NCSX


FY 2005

Goal:   Answer the key scientific questions and overcome enormous technical challenges to harness the power that fuels a star, realizing by the middle of this century a landmark scientific achievement by bringing "fusion power to the grid."

1.     Conduct experiments on the major fusion facilities (DIII-D, Alcator C-Mod, NSTX) leading toward the predictive capability for burning plasma and configuration optimization.  In FY 2005 FES will measure plasma behavior in Alcator C-Mod with high-Z antenna guards and input power greater than 3.5 MW.




Statement of Quarterly Target

Link to Report

First Install molybdenum protection tiles on all RF antennas and remove boron-nitride tiles from active MHD antennas. (Dec 31, 2004) X
Second Begin measurements of plasma behavior with all high-Z antenna guards during tokamak operation. (March 31, 2005) X
Third Assess operation with significant auxiliary input power for L-Mode and H-Mode plasma regimes. (June 30, 2005) X
Fourth Operate with input power in excess of 3.5 MW, measure plasma behavior, compare with previous operation using boron-nitride protection tiles; document results in a Target Completion Report. (September 30, 2005) X

2.    Increase resolution in simulations of plasma phenomena--optimizing confinement and predicting the behavior of burning plasmas require improved simulations of edge and core plasma phenomena, as the characteristics of the edge can strongly affect core confinement.  In FY 2005 FES will simulate nonlinear plasma edge phenomena using extended MHD codes with a resolution of 20 toroidal modes. Milestone Reports




Statement of Quarterly Target

Link to Report

First Quantify the scaling of unstable modes with resistively and thermal conduction, and compare to linear code. (Dec 31, 2004) X
Second Do simulations using accurate experimental profiles, and extend models to include ion stress tensor effects.  (March 31, 2005) X
Third Further extend the studies to include variation of the electron pressure along field line, and look for appropriate equilibrium for test cases.  (June 30, 2005) X
Fourth Run simulations with up to 20 modes including density evolution, and extend deep into the nonlinear regime; document results in a Target Completion Report. (September 30, 2005) X

3.    Average achieved operation time of the major national fusion facilities as a percentage of the total planned operation time.  FY 2005 - >90%.

Statement of Target Accomplishment Daily Operations Logs
Met Goal DIII-D
Met Goal C-Mod
Met Goal NSTX

4.    Cost-weighted mean percent variance from established cost and schedule baselines for major construction, upgrade, or equipment procurement projects.  FY 2005 - <10%.

Statement of Target Accomplishment Project Director's Monthly Report
Met Goal NCSX


FY 2004

1.    "Average achieved operation time of the major national fusion facilities as a percentage of the total planned operation time is greater than 90%."  For Fusion Energy Sciences in FY 2004:  DIII-D, C-Mod, NSTX

Met Goal

2.    "Cost-weighted mean percent variance from established cost and schedule baselines for major construction, upgrade, or equipment procurement projects is kept to less than 10%."  For Fusion Energy Sciences in FY 2004:  National Compact Stellarator Experiment (NCSX)

Met Goal



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