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Evaluation in the GMR

Network members wishing to add a library service or program or are considering applying for a subcontract with the GMR (See for Funding information), might benefit from assistance in the areas of planning and evaluation. GMR evaluation services are provided in consultation with the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center (OERC) of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.

The GMR has recently launched an Evaluation page, located at the following address: Evaluation services can include but are not limited to: discussion of evaluation plans for GMR-funded projects; referral to OERC staff; assistance with formulating a written logic model and/or evaluation plan. A number of readily available resources are included on this page, among them links to a cost benefit and return on investment (ROI) calculator and the Valuing Library Services Calculator from our sister Regional Medical Library in the MidContinental Region. This library services calculator was a recent topic during a webinar sponsored by the OERC and offered to the Network. Additional resources include links to downloadable templates for collecting and analyzing data and more.

For more information, contact Jacqueline Leskovec, Outreach and Evaluation Coordinator, or your GMR state contact:

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