National Fire Plan "Contracting and Assistance" Web Page Header
National Fire Plan 'Contracting and Assistance' Web Page
Home Overview Vendors Statements of Work Assistance Links


Fuels Reduction, Fire Rehabilitation, Community and Rural Fire Assistance

November 5, 2002 Joint Hatfield / Mills Memo on Fireplan Contracting

Wildland Fire Management Budgetary Policy from the DOI Secreatary, Gale Nortan

Summary Hazardous Fuels Reduction in .pdf

Questions & Answers for Fuels Reduction in .pdf

Summary Fire Rehabilitation and Restoration in .pdf

Questions & Answers for Fire Rehabilitation and Restoration in .pdf

Summary Community Assistance in .pdf

Questions and Answers for Community Assistance in .pdf

Summary Rural Fire Assistance in .pdf


"APPROVED" under the National Fire Plan by the Directors of the DOI Fire Bureaus and the Chief of the U.S.D.A Forest Service:

"Joint Implementation of Wildland Fire Fiscal Year (FY) 2001; The Department of the Interior (DOI) Appropriations Act through Procurement Contract's, Grants, or Cooperative Agreements" in .pdf.


Completing Fuels Treatment Projects and Increasing Outside Contracting 4/24/2002 from Gale Norton, Secreatary of the Interior

National Fire Plan Acquisition and Assistance Management Review 5/20/02 from Lynn Scarlet, Assistant Secretary, Policy Manahement and Budget

FY2004 Fuels Treatment Program Priorities 1/14/03 from Gale Norton, Secreatry of the Interior

National Fire Plan Workload Accomplishments 2/7/03 from Lynn Scarlet, Assistant Secretary, Policy Management and Budget

Procurement Data on Wildland Fire Program Activities 3/7/03 from Debra Sonderman Director Office of Acquisition and Propery Management and Senior Procurement Executive

National Fire Plan (NFP) Mid-Year Contracting and Assistance Program 4/2/03 from Lynn Scarlet, Assistant Secretary Policy Manahement and Budget


"SOLICITOR'S Opinion on NFP Appropiations Language Regarding Less Than Full Competition Requirements for Fuels Reduction Contracting" in .pdf

Page Last Updated 5/14/03

Bureau of Land Management

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