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The mission of the Office of Nuclear Energy is to lead the DOE investment in the development and exploration of advanced nuclear science and technology. NE leads the Government’s efforts to develop new nuclear energy generation technologies; to develop advanced, proliferation-resistant nuclear fuel technologies that maximize energy from nuclear fuel; and to maintain and enhance the national nuclear technology infrastructure. NE aims to serve the present and future energy needs of the Nation by managing the safe operation and maintenance of the DOE nuclear infrastructure that provides nuclear technology goods and services. NE manages research laboratories and radiological facilities and is the Lead Program Secretarial Officer for the Idaho National Laboratory.

Program Goals

The programs funded by the Office of Nuclear Energy have the following two Program Goals:
Develop new nuclear generation technologies - that foster the diversity of the domestic energy supply through public-private partnerships that are aimed in the near-term (2015) at the deployment of advanced, proliferation-resistant light water reactor and fuel cycle technologies and in the longer-term (2025) at the development and deployment of next-generation advanced reactors and fuel cycles.

Maintain, enhance, and safeguard the Nation’s nuclear infrastructure capability - to meet the Nation’s energy, environmental, medical research, space exploration, and national security needs.

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------------------------------- DOE Organization
NE Programs