International Petroleum Monthly (IPM)


The International Petroleum Monthly is a monthly electronic publication that provides current international petroleum data. This report is published for the use of Members of Congress, Federal agencies, State agencies, industry, and the general public. Publication of this report is in keeping with responsibilities given the Energy Information Administration in Public Law 95-91 (Section 205(a)(2)) that states:

"The Administrator shall be responsible for carrying out a central, comprehensive, and unified energy data and information program which will collect, evaluate, assemble, analyze and disseminate data and information ..."

The International Petroleum Monthly presents data on international petroleum production, demand, imports, and stocks. The report has four sections. Section 1 contains time series data on world petroleum production, and on petroleum demand and stocks in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This section contains annual data beginning in 1997, and monthly data for the most recent eight years. Section 2 presents an oil supply/demand balance for the world. This balance is presented in quarterly intervals for the most recent two years and annually for the three years prior to that. Section 3 presents data on petroleum imports by OECD countries. This section contains annual data for the most recent year, quarterly data for the most recent two quarters, and monthly data for the most recent twelve months. Section 4 presents annual time series data on world petroleum production and demand, and petroleum stocks, demand, and trade in OECD countries. World petroleum production and world and OECD countries petroleum demand data are for the years 1970 through 2007; OECD countries petroleum stocks data are for the years 1973 through 2007; and OECD countries petroleum trade data are for the years 1993 through 2007.

Data for the United States are developed by the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Office of Oil and Gas. Data for other countries are derived largely from published sources and publicly-available databases, including International Energy Agency publications and databases, the EIA International Energy Annual, and the trade press. (See Sources.) All data are reviewed by the International Energy Statistics Team of EIA. All data have been converted to units of measurement familiar to the American public. Definitions of petroleum production and consumption are consistent with other EIA publications.

General information about this publication may be obtained from Margot Anderson, Director, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, (202) 586-1617, and from Joseph Ayoub, Director, Integrated Energy Statistics Division, (202) 586-8994. Detailed questions and comments concerning the contents of the International Petroleum Monthly may be directed to Patricia Smith (202) 586-6925, Joel Lou (202) 586-1457, Mike Grillot (202) 586-6577, or Mike Maloney (202) 586-9415.