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   Program Areas
     Aviation Safety and Aerial Survey
     Biological Control
     Equipment and Application Technologies
     GIS & Spatial Analysis
     Information Systems
     Insect & Pathogen Models
     Invasive Species Information
     Management of Pesticides
     Nontarget Impacts
     Quantitative Analysis
     Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
     Special Technology Development Program (StdP)
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 FHTET Program Areas

Information Systems Divider

Information Systems
Information Systems
Information Systems

The Information Systems program provides support services both internally to the FHTET organization and externally to the Forest Health Protection (FHP) Washington Office (WO) and FHP field units. Internally, the program provides the technical and administrative services to plan, acquire, operate, and maintain the information technology systems required by the other FHTET program areas. For the FHP-WO and field units, the program provides Web-site development expertise. The program also enterprises its Web development skills to other Forest Service units for specific projects on a cost-reimbursable basis.

The primary customers of the Information Systems program services are the FHTET program managers, the FHP-WO, and FHP field units. Other Forest Service staffs are at times customers on specific projects. These are typically at the Washington Office level.

Products and Services
  • Interactive geographic information system (GIS) data clearinghouse on the Internet
  • Systems and database administration support on the Washington Office-Detached (WO-D) IBM cell at Ft. Collins
  • I-TIPS planning and administration for FHP information technology investments
  • Pesticide Use Reporting System database and reporting support to the FHP-WO
  • Web site development and maintenance
  • Systems and database administration support on the Washington Office-Detached (WO-D) IBM cell at Ft. Collins
  • I-TIPS planning and administration for FHP information technology investments
  • Pesticide Use Reporting System database and reporting support to the FHP-WO
  • Web site development and maintenance
Program Manager

Loren Iverson

USDA Forest Service - FHTET
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. A, Suite 331
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891
Phone: (970) 295-5844
Fax: (970) 295-5815
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