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Related Links

The following list of links is related to many of the National Interagency Fuels Management Programs, Initiatives, Policy, Guidance, Partners, etc.

If you would like to have a site added to the list of related links, please send the link to the Webmaster via Comments or directly to Fuel_Comments@nifc.blm.gov.

Fuels Management Western Wildfire Impact Reduction Resource Center
Wildland Fire Federal Wildland Fire Policy
  Fire Effects Information System
  National Wildfire Coordinating Group
  Fire Program Analysis
  Daily Dispatch Newsletter Fire information (IAFC)
Fire Weather Wildland Fire Assessment System (Fire Danger Maps)
  National Weather Service Fire Weather (Fire Weather Outlook)
Firefighter Safety Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes, Safety Areas

Digital Wildland
Fire Photographs

BLM Fire and Aviation Image Library
  FWS Digital Photo Library
BLM Fire and Aviation Training
BLM National Training Center
Wildland Fire Research USFS Riverside Fire Lab
  USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station
  Fire Research and Management Exchange System (FRAMES)

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