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Office of Internal Review

Support Cost by Functional Activity

The Office of Internal Review is responsible for coordinating and assembling the Department's Support Cost by Functional Activity information. Support cost activities are those necessary functions that enable the Department to accomplish direct mission activities. Support costs are allocated into twenty-two distinct categories, such as procurement, maintenance and safety and health. If you have any further questions, please contact Ben Chatterson or Richard Heller.

Except where otherwise indicated, material is available in the Adobe Portable Document format (PDF). In order to view these files, you need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. This software, and instructions for retrieving it, are available at the Adobe home page


  1. FY 2008 Support Cost by Functional Activity Summary Report. View the Department's FY 2008 Support Cost by Functional Activity Summary Report in .pdf format.

FY 2008 Support Cost by Functional Activity Detailed Report.  View the Department’s FY 2008 Support Cost by Functional Activity Detailed Report in .pdf

  1. FY 2008 Support Cost by Functional Activity Guidance View the Department's FY 2008 Support Cost by Functional Activity Guidance. (.pdf format)
  2. FY 2007 Support Cost by Functional Activity Highlights View the Department's FY 2007 Support Cost by Functional Activity Highlights. (.pdf format)
  3. FY 2007 Support Cost by Functional Activity Detailed Information View the Department's FY 2007 Support Cost by Functional Activity detailed information. (.pdf format)
  4. FY 2007 Support Cost by Functional Activity Definitions View the Department's FY 2007 Support Cost by Functional Activity Definitions. (.pdf format)
  5. FY 2007 Support Cost by Functional Activity Guidance View the Department's FY 2007 Support Cost by Functional Activity Guidance. (.pdf format)
  6. FY 2006 Support Cost by Functional Activity (Detailed Report) View the Department's FY 2006 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in its entirety. (.pdf format)
  7. FY 2006 Support Cost by Functional Activity (Summary Report) View the summarized version of the Department's FY 2006 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report. (.pdf format)
  8. Distribution Memo to Congress for the FY 2006 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the the Memo to Congress for the distribution of the FY 2006 Summarized Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  9. FY 2006 Support Cost by Functional Activity Guidance View the Department's FY 2006 Support Cost by Functional Activity guidance in .pdf format.
  10. FY 2005 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the Department's FY 2005 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  11. FY 2005 Support Cost by Functional Activity Supplemental Information View the Department's FY 2005 Support Cost by Functional Activity Supplemental Information in .pdf format.
  12. Distribution Memo to Congress for the FY 2005 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the the Memo to Congress for the distribution of the FY 2005 Summarized Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  13. October 4, 2005 Memo and Guidance Requesting FY 2005 Support Cost Data By Functional Activity View the Memo and Guidance on the call for FY 2005 Support Cost by Functional Activity in .pdf format.
  14. FY 2004 Detailed Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the Department's Detailed FY 2004 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  15. FY 2004 Summary Report, Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the Department's FY 2004 Summarized Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  16. Distribution Memo to Congress for the FY 2004 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the the Memo to Congress for the distribution of the FY 2004 Summarized Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  17. CFO's Signed Memo for the FY 2004 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the the CFO's Signed Memo for the distribution of the FY 2004 Summarized Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  18. October 18, 2004 Distribution Memo and Guidance for the Call for FY 2004 Support Cost by Functional Activity View the Memo and Guidance on the call for FY 2004 Support Cost by Functional Activity in .pdf format.
  19. Support Cost by Functional Activity Database For Internal Use Only. This link allows DOE site offices to enter, and submit, their support cost information into the Support Cost by Functional Activity system.
  20. Support Cost by Functional Activity Database Instructions This document instructs sites in entering, and submitting, their support cost information in the Support Cost by Functional Activity web site.
  21. FY 2003 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the Department's FY 2003 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  22. May 24, 2004 Distribution Memo for FY 2003 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the Memo for the FY 2003 Report in .pdf format.
  23. September 05, 2003 Distribution Memo and Guidance for the Call for FY 2003 Support Cost by Functional Activity View the Memo and Guidance on the call for FY 2003 Support Cost by Functional Activity in .pdf format.
  24. FY 2002 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the Department's FY 2002 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report in .pdf format.
  25. May 30, 2003 Distribution Memo for FY 2002 Support Cost by Functional Activity Report View the Memo for the FY 2002 Report in .pdf format.
  26. FY 2001 Functional Support Cost Report View the Department's FY 2001 Functional Support Cost Report in .pdf format.

For information on the content of the Functional Cost Reporting System, please contact Ben Chatterson.

Please send any comments about this page to: Donna Haslam




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