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Prescribed Fire Treatments

A prescribed fire may be defined as any fire ignited by management actions under certain pre-determined conditions to meet specific objectives related to hazardous fuels reduction or habitat improvement. Proper planning elements are identified and explained in the technically reviewed and approved prescribed fire plan. The prescribed fire plan is a document which provides the qualified Prescribed Fire Burn Boss the information needed to implement an individual prescribed fire project. NEPA requirements (the basic national law for protection of the environment) must be met prior to ignition. Prescribed fires are ignited and managed within a "window" of very specific conditions including winds, temperatures, humidity, and other factors specified in the prescribed fire plan. This "window" is referred to as the prescription or the measurable criteria that define conditions under which a prescribed fire may be ignited. The prescription guides the selection of appropriate management responses and indicates other required actions. Prescription criteria may include safety, economic factors, air quality, public health, and other environmental, geographic, administrative, social, or legal considerations.

Prescribed Fire
More information about prescribed fire training opportunities may be found at http://fire.r9.fws.gov/pftc.
Lighting a Prescribed Fire






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