Millennium Challenge Monthly
The Newsletter of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Vol. 2, Issue 6 - July 2006

Term of the Month: Threshold Program
The Threshold Program is designed to help countries nearing eligibility – essentially at the “threshold” – but needing to address specific policy weaknesses illustrated by their scores on one or more of the sixteen MCC policy indicators.  The Board of Directors chooses countries for the Threshold Program based on a country’s demonstrated commitment to improving their low indicator scores while maintaining or improving their existing scores on the other indicators.

Read more about the Threshold Program.

Ask the Expert: Malik Chaka
Ask Malik Chaka, Director of Threshold Countries, a question about the Threshold Program.  Should your question be chosen, it will appear with an answer in next month’s Millennium Challenge Monthly.  Ask Malik a question.

Bio of Malik Chaka
Director of Threshold Countries

Malik M. Chaka, Director, Threshold Countries for the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), is responsible for the African countries selected for participation in MCC Threshold Program. He works with the governments of these countries and USAID, the MCC’s primary implementing partner for the Threshold Program, to develop a Threshold Program.

Mr. Chaka has been involved in African affairs for more than three decades. He has worked in more than 40 countries on the continent. Prior to joining MCC, he worked for seven years as a Professional Staff Member with the House International Relations Committee (HIRC) Africa Subcommittee. He prepared Congressional hearings, worked on legislation including the historic Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and did research for the Committee’s oversight of the Administration’s Africa policy.

Mr. Chaka graduated from Rutgers with a degree in Sociology.  He pursued additional studies at the University of California-Santa Barbara and Antioch.

Notable Quotable
“Finally, the bill provides further support, as I mentioned, to the Millennium Challenge Corporation, which I see as our best hope for weaning countries from foreign assistance. The MCC provides another set of incentives to countries to make the correct policy decisions, policies which improve rule of law and economic policies, investments in the health and education of people.”

Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-AZ)
Chairman of the Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on
Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs
Comments when introducing the Foreign Operations Act of 2007
on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, June 8, 2006

Quarterly Report
Read our Quarterly Report as printed in the Federal Register.

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MCC In the News
Millennium Challenge
grant signed

Global Nation, Philippines

RP, US to sign antigraft
and corruption grant


US $650m from Millennium Challenge for Development
Daily News, Sri Lanka

Ukraine Receives
Millennium Challenge Funds To Fight Corruption

Washington File

Strategy to wipe out graft
and corruption bared

Philippines Information Agency, Press Release

MCA project could raise
GDP figures- Bagbin


Recent Events
Millennium Challenge Corporation Signs $21 Million Threshold Program to Fight Corruption in the Philippines
26 July 2006

MCC Board of Directors Approves Five-Year $547 Million Anti-Poverty Program Targeting Rural Poor in Ghana
12 July 2006

New Newsletter Design
This edition of the Millennium Challenge Monthly features the Corporation’s new logo, and design changes intended to make our newsletter more useful and readable.

Natural Resources Indicator
Read “Where We Are Now – July 2006” for an update on the Natural Resources Management indicator search.

Reducing Poverty Through Growth

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Washington, DC 20006