For Immediate Release

May 9, 2007

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Opposes Cuts to Homeland Security Programs

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) today expressed concern with a Democrat proposal to strip critical funding and protections from Homeland Security programs.

H.R. 1684, the Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act, provides the framework for the department’s appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008.

Democrat amendments offered by Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-Mississippi), Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, cut programs designed to protect America’s food supply, and eliminated funding for employee immigration checks at high-risk sites like airports and nuclear power plants.

“In light of this week’s thwarted terrorist plot aimed at Fort Dix, we need to recommit ourselves to ensuring that homeland security is a top priority of our federal government,” said Jordan.

Jordan said the proposed cuts to Homeland Security funding will have a far-reaching impact, but they fit the pattern of spending from the Democrat majority in Congress.

“House Democrats are taking a short break from debating whether to cut off funds for our troops in battle, and now they are diverting resources from critical homeland security programs,” said Jordan.

“They seem to think that because 9/11 happened over five years ago, we can turn our focus away from homeland security and toward their priorities,” he added.

“I’m all for limiting federal spending in other areas, but I firmly believe the primary responsibility for homeland security and the U.S. military belong to the federal government,” Jordan said.

“They need to leave their personal agendas aside and begin putting the safety and security of our families and our homeland first,” he concluded.

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