For Immediate Release

July 8, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Statement on NTSB Investigation
Into Bluffton Bus Tragedy

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) offered the following remarks on the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) final report on the tragic bus crash involving Bluffton University student-athletes in Atlanta on March 2, 2007:

I want to commend the families and the Bluffton community for their patience in awaiting this report.  Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with them and everyone who was affected by the tragedy.

In addition to “driver error,” the NTSB specifically cited the Georgia Department of Transportation’s failure to provide proper signage and road markings to ensure safety at the exit ramp where the accident occurred.  Investigators noted that nine accidents have occurred at that location since 1997.

I understand that Georgia officials have already implemented some recommendations to improve safety at the interchange.  I hope that state and local officials across the country take note of the NTSB’s findings and redouble their commitment to protecting motorists in their states.

I hope the completion of this study can provide some solace, as well as some direction on how government, industry, and the public can best work together to improve bus safety.

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