For Immediate Release

April 8, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Rated Top Taxpayer's Friend in Ohio

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) has been named a recipient of the 2007 Taxpayers’ Friend Award by the nation’s largest pro-taxpayer group, the 362,000-member nonpartisan National Taxpayers Union (NTU).

The award is presented to members of Congress who achieve an “A” rating in the NTU’s annual report analyzing congressional votes on fiscal policy.  In 2007, 427 House votes were rated.

Jordan’s pro-taxpayer score for 2007, according to NTU, was 91 percent--the highest among Ohio’s congressional delegation.  The average pro-taxpayer score for House members was 35 percent.

“While many members of Congress talked about reducing the size of government last year, Jim Jordan of Ohio consistently backed up those words with action,” NTU President Duane Parde said.  “This award proves that Congressman Jordan is a staunch ally we can count on in our battle to restore fiscal responsibility to Washington.”

Jordan offered legislation to hold the line on spending in each of last year’s non-defense appropriations bills.  The amendments were defeated on party-line votes, but would have saved taxpayers more than $20 billion last year had they passed.

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