For Immediate Release

December 6, 2007

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Democrat Energy Tax Means Higher Prices at the Pump

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) today decried House passage of a so-called “energy bill” that will raise gas prices, reduce our domestic energy supply, make America more dependent on foreign oil, and harm Ohio’s economy.

“This bill, like much of what Democrats have tried to pass this year, presumes that we can tax-and-spend our way to an energy policy,” said Jordan.  “In reality, taxing our own energy companies will do nothing but raise prices while increasing dependence on Middle Eastern oil in the marketplace.”

Jordan said he believes America needs a national energy policy that increases our short-term domestic energy supply through added mining and refining capacity--and makes a long-term effort to move the country toward domestic alternative and renewable fuels.  He said the Democrat energy bill adds new environmental mandates on businesses and consumers instead of identifying ways to increase the supply and reduce the price of fuel.

Jordan said that he and other fiscal conservatives also opposed the $21 billion tax increase in the bill, as well as a host of new federal mandates that will negatively impact manufacturing jobs in Ohio and the Fourth District.

“I simply can’t understand why Democrats believe we have no choice but to raise taxes and hurt Ohio’s manufacturing jobs in order to accomplish their agenda.”

“With new challenges from the global marketplace every day, we must focus both our energy and economic policy on increasing our competitiveness--not raising taxes,” Jordan added.

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