For Immediate Release

January 6, 2009

Media Contact:  Meghan Snyder
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Begins 111th Congress with Appointment to Budget Task Force

Washington, DC -- As Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) was sworn into his second term in office, he called for quick action on bipartisan measures to restore fiscal responsibility to federal spending.

“Congress has been on a spending spree for the past number of years, adding two government bailouts to a current national debt of 10.6 trillion dollars,” said Jordan.  “I am convinced that unless we change course and begin exercising some fiscal restraint, the debt facing our kids and grandkids will soon be insurmountable.”

Jordan, who offered more spending cuts than any other member of Congress in the past two years, was named Chairman of the Budget and Spending Task Force for the Republican Study Committee (RSC).  He said he will use the position to build bipartisan support for his proposal to have budget watchdogs go line-by-line in the federal budget to identify wasteful federal spending to be cut. “Just like families and businesses in our district have had to do in these tough economic times, Congress needs to tighten its belt and cut wasteful spending.”

Chairman of the RSC, Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) said, “Jim Jordan has emerged as a bold leader in the fight to bring accountability and sanity to spending in Congress. As we look to restore vibrant economic growth and prosperity, we will be relying heavily on Jim’s leadership over the next two years.”

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