For Immediate Release

October 4, 2007

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan: Accountability Should Be a Bipartisan Issue

Washington, DC -- Following a party-line defeat of legislation he offered today to ban federal infrastructure dollars from being used to pay lobbyists, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) questioned the commitment of Democrats to fiscal accountability and lobbying reform.

“An important step in bringing fiscal responsibility to Washington is being able to look taxpayers in the eye and say that money spent in their name is going toward its intended purposes, not to line the pockets of lobbyists,” said Jordan.

Jordan said that pressure from Democrat party leaders kept just enough Democrats from crossing over to pass the measure, which failed on a vote of 218 to 201.

“This is the type of partisanship that is most disappointing,” said Jordan.  “Most Americans realize that it doesn’t matter if a Republican or Democrat is behind an idea if it protects taxpayers.”

“Accountability should be a bipartisan issue,” he added.

Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, supported Jordan’s efforts.  “Congressman Jordan is a principled conservative and again sided with the American taxpayer,” he said.

This summer, Jordan offered amendments to nine spending bills that would have held federal spending throughout Fiscal Year 2008 to 2007 levels.  These amendments, if passed, would have resulted in more than $20 billion in taxpayer savings.

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