For Immediate Release

August 4, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Joins Call for Vote on Drilling

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) has returned to Washington today, the first day of the congressional recess, to join fellow Republicans in calling for an up-or-down vote on legislation to expand domestic energy production and exploration.

He will be available for comment throughout the morning at 202-225-2676.

“Democrat leaders should have scheduled a vote on expanding drilling in Alaska and the Outer Continental Shelf before leaving for the August break last week,” Jordan said.  “Families and taxpayers expect action from Congress on cutting gas prices, but Speaker Pelosi instead turned off the lights and sent everyone home without a vote.”

“What’s wrong with a vote?  Is she afraid she would lose?”

“I join a number of my colleagues in saying ‘we’re ready to debate--we’re ready to vote.’  Only Speaker Pelosi or the President can call us back into special session, and we’re ready to go!” he added.

“Many of us believe the reason we aren’t voting on commonsense ways to increase domestic energy supplies is that the radical environmental wing of the Democrat Party is running the show,” Jordan concluded.  “It’s time for the Democrat leadership to put special interests aside and start listening to the American people.  If they did, we’d be having an up-or-down vote on moving our nation toward energy independence.”

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