For Immediate Release

June 2, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan in Mansfield Tuesday to Launch Petition
Supporting Judge DeWeese Against ACLU

Washington, DC -- While in Mansfield on Tuesday, June 3, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) will offer his support to Richland County Judge James DeWeese, who faces legal action from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for a poster displayed in his courtroom that includes language from the Ten Commandments.

Jordan will also launch an online petition effort for the community to demonstrate its support of DeWeese’s courtroom display.

Last week, the ACLU filed a district court motion against Judge DeWeese based on his courtroom display.  Jordan’s petition supports Judge DeWeese’s right to display the poster and calls upon the ACLU to drop its legal action.

The statement and signing will coincide with a 10:00 AM radio appearance with WMAN-AM’s Rusty Cates.

Area media are welcome to cover Jordan at the announcement.

What:      Public statement and petition signing in support of Judge James DeWeese against

               the ACLU

When:     10:00 AM, Tuesday, June 3

Where:    Inside the WMAN Studios (1400 Radio Lane)

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