For Immediate Release

March 29, 2007

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2008

Washington, DC --

MARCH 29, 2007

Mr. JORDAN of Ohio. Mr. Chairman, my opposition to this proposal is clear and fundamental. It raises taxes. It is not fiscally responsible. It does not protect Social Security, and it does not protect the interests of families, who as the cornerstone of our society, deserve to be the very first consideration in each of our legislative decisions.

I am pleased to support Mr. RYAN, ranking member of the Budget Committee, and my colleagues on the Republican Study Committee on the conservative alternative to the budget blueprint before us today. I was pleased to offer a tax cut amendment to this legislation that would have extended the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 at least until 2012. Unfortunately, the amendment was not accepted, but I rise today to say that my opposition to H. Con. Res. 99 does not end with runaway taxes and spending.

True, the proposal has excessive spending that mortgages our children's future on government programs.

True, the proposal raises taxes on families and businesses, reinstates the ``marriage penalty'', reincarnates the death tax, and cuts the child tax credit in half.

True, these tax increases, the biggest in American history, will cost the average Ohio family thousands of dollars in higher taxes.

But what is most troubling is that the entire budget is based on a premise that is antithetical to what makes America great.

This budget postulates that economic security, a "Great Society" if you will, is just another government program away.

It says that the tax cuts currently in place, which have led to private sector growth with 7.6 million new jobs, 42 straight months of uninterrupted economic growth, the Dow Jones Industrial Average above 12,000, record levels of investment, and record low unemployment ..... tax cuts that have helped every American family regardless of income, are better left to expire.

It says that the $392.5 billion of additional tax dollars Democrats expect spend over the next 5 years are better spent on government programs than in the pockets of American families. It says that what we need is more government, not more jobs, not more economic growth, not more money working its way through our private sector economy.

Just 3 months into this new majority, the tax man has come twice, and he is coming again.

Mr. Chairman, April 15, the day American taxpayers love to hate, is still 18 days away. But today, March 29th, is the day the American taxpayer will come to fear.

I urge my colleagues to join me in voting "no" on record tax hikes…

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