For Immediate Release

July 29, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Hails Announcement of
$1.1 Million FEMA Grant to Shelby

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) applauded today’s announcement by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that the City of Shelby’s full request of more than $1.1 million has been awarded in response to last year’s August flooding.

The money, issued through FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grants account, will be used to acquire and demolish 19 heavily damaged residential homes along the Black Fork of the Mohican River.  The properties will ultimately be returned to open space.

Jordan noted that this positive result is due to the leadership of Shelby officials working with the community, his office, and the state and county emergency management agencies to develop and promote a top-notch grant proposal.

“The day after the flood, I saw with my own eyes how this tragedy pulled the community together.  I appreciate Shelby’s hard work and perseverance on this issue for the past year,” said Jordan.  “I am glad we are finally able to take this next step toward recovery, and I remain committed to working with the Army Corps of Engineers and officials on all levels to help find comprehensive long-term solutions to Shelby’s flooding and infrastructure concerns.”

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