For Immediate Release

January 25, 2008

Media Contact:  Ray Yonkura
(202) 225-2676

Jordan Urges Renewal of Terrorist Surveillance Bill

Washington, DC -- Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) today called on congressional leaders to renew critical intelligence-gathering legislation before it expires on February 1.

“The threat posed by foreign terrorists doesn’t end next week, and neither should our ability to track terrorist communications,” Jordan said.

Congress passed a six-month extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in August.  The extension sets forth legal requirements and court oversight for conducting surveillance against foreign terror suspects communicating with people inside the United States.

Jordan said that Democrats have delayed consideration of a long-term solution ever since the temporary measure was passed.  Now, some FISA authorities are set to expire in a matter of days, which could lead to a dangerous gap in intelligence gathering.

“Congressional leaders need to get their priorities straight.  It’s about time we turned our attention to vital issues that affect the safety of the American people,” Jordan said.

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